It’s finally fall (yay!) and the cooler weather is starting to stick around. I look forward to fall every year. I am a jeans and sweatshirt kind of person…but more than that, I love soup! There is nothing better that a hot bowl of soup on a cold fall day! One of my favorite kinds of soup is baked potato soup, but I don’t eat it often because it is so fattening. Until now! Progresso has added a couple new soups…Light Creamy Potato with Bacon and Cheese and Light Chicken Pot Pie Style.
The two new soups above are joining a family of more than 40 Progresso soups that have 100 calories or less per serving! For those of you doing Weight Watchers for your diet program, if you want to eat either of the soups above, they have been endorsed by the Weight Watchers program and are only 2 points per serving! Now I told you that baked potato soup is my favorite kind, but I don’t eat it often because it is so fattening, well the Progress Light Creamy Potato with Bacon and Cheese soup has 50% LESS calories than other baked potato soups!
I am a huge couponer…so I am very excited to give you this offer…how would you like to save $1.24 off the purchase of four cans?!? Click here for details!
How would you like to win the amazing prize pack pictured below? Read on for details!
This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. You must complete the mandatory entry FIRST before any additional entry will be accepted. Please put each entry in a new comment please.
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This giveaway will run from today (9/30/12) until October 8, 2012 at 9pm EST. One winner will be chosen using the And the Winner is plug-in. That winner will be sent an email and they will have 48 hours to respond with their shipping information or a new winner will be chosen.
**The coupons, information, and gift packs have been provided by Progresso® through MyBlogSpark.
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