With a husband that travels for work and two kids to take care of, finding time for a Girls Night Out can be pretty tough. The last time I was able to get out with a group of friends, we went to play Bingo. Boy did we have a blast! We were at least at least 30 years younger than anyone else there, but it didn’t matter. But here’s a piece of advice…don’t yell “BINGO” unless you really have it. Just trust me on that one! We didn’t win anything that night, but that’s OK. Not only did we have fun with each other, but it was so nice to see the woman who won the big pot! She was so excited and couldn’t stop telling everyone what she was going to get her grandson!

I love having Girls Night with my daughter!
Like I said, getting out with friends is tough. That’s why having a Girls Night In is the next best thing! According to a survey done by Ladbrokes Bingo, having a Girls Night In is the new going out! An overwhelmingly 69% of women surveyed said that they would rather stay in with the girls, than go out! Think about all the benefits of staying in:
- No lines at the bar waiting for drinks
- You don’t have to worry about unwanted attention from men
- No lines at the bathroom
- You don’t have to pay a cover charge to get in
- Your feet won’t get sore
- You can gossip freely with your friends
I very much prefer having a Girls Night In as opposed to going out. I like the intimate atmosphere and the ability to talk with each without having to yell! One of my favorite things to do is to have themed Girls Night In events. Some possible ideas are:
- Karaoke Night
- Spa Night (you can even hire massage therapists or a pedicurist to come)
- Movie Night
- Craft Night (I have friends who have Pinterest Nights where they do crafts they find on Pinterest)
- Meal Planning (Put together a couple meals that can be kept in the freezer in just a couple hours)

Pictures provided by notsoaveragemama.com
You can keep your Girls Night In simple and have each person bring an appetizer to pass and have a glass of wine or you can order take-out!
So…which do you prefer…Girls Night In or Girls Night Out?
**This post is brought to you by Ladbrokes.
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