My kids are growing up. And that doesn’t make me sad at all. I’ve been seeing posts on Facebook and reading other blog posts all week, as well as hearing my friends make comments about how their kids are growing up too fast and it’s make them sad. In the beginning, I really thought there was something wrong with me because I didn’t feel the same way. I mean, I was able to get rid of their baby clothes as they outgrew them without a second thought; dropping each of my kids off at Kindergarten did not make me tear up as I drove away…in fact, I think I may have headed to Panera with friends to celebrate! I love my kids. Shoot, I would do anything for them…everything I do, is for them. But I see getting older as exciting and fun! I get excited for my birthday. I’m over 30 and I don’t tell people that I am 29 and will always be 29. I like getting older!
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How Cute Are Those Kids?!
Aren’t they cute?!? How can I not be excited about them growing up and what each new year brings? They are learning so many things (some of which is less than desirable) and I look forward to seeing their interests grow and change as they grow and change. As of right now, Bella wants to work with penguins and Zachary wants to design video games. Next year it could be something different! So no, I don’t sit here during the day and pine over the fact that they are growing up…sure it sometimes is crazy to me that my son is almost nine and in two years he will be in junior high, but I think that’s exciting! I loved junior high…all those awkward teens thrown into class together…fun times!
Kids Growing Up
It’s inevitable…they all grow up some time. Like I said, it is fun to me to see all the different stages. I never really “wished” away a stage…well except for when my son was a newborn and he had colic. That one I did wish away! But all joking aside, I’ve always gotten excited for each new stage my kids went through. Like I said, pretty soon my son will be in middle school. That is crazy to think about. Once he hits middle school, everything is going to start going a lot faster.
What are your thoughts?
How about you, does it upset you that your kids are getting older? Or are you like me?
I actually enjoy each new stage. I do miss those cute baby faces, but I look forward to each new milestone watching them grow into real people!