School is just about out for summer and the weather has finally turned pretty darn HOT here in Michigan. My kids like to spend hours upon hours outside every day. They’re pretty good about drinking enough water and staying hydrated, but let’s face it…water gets pretty darn boring. So we have a “mom approved” Fla-Vor-Ice break! These are the best way to beat the summer heat! And not only do kids love them, but mom does too!
This post brought to you by Jel Sert. All opinions are 100% mine.
Fla-Vor-Ice Facts
- They do NOT get freezer burn!
- Low in sugar
- Low in calories
- They are gluten free
Beat the Summer Heat
You can get Fla-Vor-Ice’s in three varities…Original Fruit Flavors, Tropical Flavors and Sugar Free! I’ve only ever had the Original Flavors. I’m on a mission now to find the tropical flavors!! I bet those are so good! Have you ever had the tropical flavors?
My daughter loves the blue Fla-Vor-Ice. But it’s not because she likes how it tastes…I mean she likes the flavor, obviously, but her reason is because it turns her tongue blue! Zachary prefers the pink flavor. Pink is his favorite color so anything pink is cool in his book! I, on the other hand, have a different approach when I eat my Fla-Vor-Ice. I have to have one of each color. Seriously! Don’t tell my kids, or they will want to do it too, but eating one of every color is the best way to eat these…and beat the summer heat!
Like I mentioned above, Fla-Vor-Ice’s are great treats during the hot summer days, after school, at the end of the soccer game, or while you are watching television! Pretty much any time of the day is a good time for a Fla-Vor-Ice!
Want more information? “LIKE” Fla-Vor-Ice on Facebook!
So…what’s your favorite flavor???
I love these! Pink and blue where always my favorite as a child.
These look yummy!
I have to be careful with these – they are addictive! I only freeze a few at a time so that we don’t end up eating the whole box in on day. 😀
I remember my granny always had these on hand for the cousins during the dog days of summer. Such a fun memory!
The green one is the best. I can remember eating like five of them at one time, as a kid. You’re bringing back some fun summer memories.
My son loves these. Blue is my favorite. We have a pack in the freezer now and when my grandkids come over I cut 1 in half and split it between my 16 month old granddaughter and 3 year old grandson. Since 1 big 1 is more than they eat at one time. That way I’m saving money too since they will last longer.
I was wondering if those would last in an ice chest until the end of a soccer game…. next time I’ll try!
I always go to red first then the rest.