Over the past few years, I’ve become extremely passionate about the topic of bullying. My son had a few issues a couple years ago and from that moment on, I’ve made sure to get myself involved in any and all anti-bullying efforts I can. At my children’s elementary school, we have an anti-bully committee that I am apart of where we take fifth grade students and “train” them to be bully blasters. Basically what that means is, they go from classroom to classroom once a month to do a presentation on that particular months topic. They tell the kids what a bully is and what to do if they think they are being bullied. We also emphasize the importance of the bystander and what that person can do to help the situation.
Anti-Bullying Efforts
I know that anti-bullying efforts are starting to become huge in different school districts, but they usually want to focus on bullying at the Middle and High school. But did you know that bullying can start as young as preschool? Now I fully understand and agree that the bullying that occurs at the Middle and High school level are VASTLY different than what would occur at the preschool or elementary level, but I feel that we need to start talking to our children about how to treat each other from the very beginning, not after it’s been an issue for years.
Huggable Melodies agrees with me on that and they have come up with a wonderful concept that is geared towards younger children…Picked-On-Poindexter, an app for the ipad and Kindle Fire! This digital storybook app teaches young children about dealing with issues like being picked on or standing up for others when they see others being picked on (this is huge to me…so many kids don’t know what to do if they see it happening).
Who is Picked on Poindexter?
Poindexter is a lovable frog who is picked on for being different. He’s different because he has blue feet, red knees and a little diddly (a spot) on his face. Poindexter was taught early on by his mom to be respectful of others. He also feels good about himself because he knows he is a good frog and a good friend to others.
Unfortunately, the lunchroom bully…Bonky…starts to pick on Poindexter. He laughs at him and points out all the differences about him and he even tries to get others to join in. When the tables are turned and Bonky gets a taste of his own medicine, Poindexter is the one who stands up for the bully! I think that is a great message to send to kids…you stand up for everyone, even someone who hasn’t always been that nice to you. You do that because it’s the right thing to do.
About Huggable Melodies
Huggable Melodies was an idea hatched by Denise Trager and Mary Ellen Panaccione. As friends for over 55 years, they are also educators, parents and now entrepreneurs. They grew up in Ellenville, NY and after years of living their adult lives in separate locations, managed to both end up in Jacksonville, FL where they both live today, and created a business together! As co-founders of Dee’n’me, LLC, parent company of Huggable Melodies, their inspiration was to bring something new to the App and cuddle toy marketplace that speaks persuasively and truthfully to both parents and children alike through their comforting, original music and methods. The company will donate a portion of profits to anti bullying organizations. Watch the company’s website for new stories.
The Picked-on-Poindexter app features 26 interactive pages featuring Broadway level tunes with an uplifting message. Tunes like “The Bully Rap” and “Don’t Fit In” are sprinkled throughout the app that kids will love to sing along with! Kids can read the story themselves or have it read to them through the “read to me” feature! This app is available for both the Kindle Fire and the ipad for only $0.99!! If you would like your own Poindexter plus, that can be purchased for $19.99 from the Huggable Melodies online store!
For more details on Huggable Melodies, visit them on Facebook and Twitter!
This sounds like a great product! Sounds like it’s going to make a huge impact on your school too! Congratulations!
My sons school is very anti-bullying. They have assembly’s for the kids teaching them about bullying, what a bully is and how not to be one. They don’t have older kids going around though….I think I am going to bring it up at the next PTA meeting. I am going to get this app on my iPad for my son. He is in 1st grade and this is perfect for him. He has been showing some anger and aggression lately and recently said something mean to a girl that he is friends with when he was having a moment of said anger. He apologized and he knows what he said was mean and considered bullying. He is still learning the rights and wrongs of it all and this app I think would be the right tool for helping him. I might even have to get him the frog! If he could have something that is tangible and in his hands that is different it might help him even more. I have noticed he doesn’t have a to. Of empathy for people so we are working on that too. Thanks for sharing Leah!
I agree that bullying starts as early as preschool. So it;s important to start training our kids now how to cope and think about bullying. This app and plush is such a great tool. Thanks for sharing about it.