I don’t know where you live, but here the weather is insane. It got really cold…below zero temps and then it started raining. Once that happened, I started to get so stuffed up that I could literally push on the center of my forehead and my nose would run. Gross…I know! And then the dreaded sore throat started. It’s only natural that my throat would hurt with all that congestion, right? I had the start of the worst head cold ever.
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This may seem extreme, but I was panicking. You see, whenever I get a head cold, it quickly moves to my chest and I end up with pneumonia.
Every. Single. Time.
Best Head Cold Remedies
I got very sick last winter and had strep throat five or six times that was not going away with antibiotics…I couldn’t afford to get sick enough to need antibiotics again. It must have been divine intervention or something because as I’m thinking “I can’t get super sick again”, my friend Kim published a blog post that would be a total game changer…5 Reasons to DRINK Apple Cider Vinegar.
I’ll be honest. When I read her post telling me to drink Apple Cider Vinegar, I thought it was completely ridiculous. I am all about a head cold cure, but apple cider vinegar?!? That stuff tastes nasty, smells nasty…there was no way I would be able to drink it. I have a HORRIBLE gag reflex. But, I was feeling desperate. So I had my husband pick some up at the store.
There are a few key things you need to know. First…you need the Apple Cider Vinegar that says “with the mother” on it. It sounds totally creepy to me, but basically it’s the stuff that settles at the bottom that is from the whole production process. It still sounds creepy to me. But I got the mother vinegar. Here’s what I got:
After reading Kim’s post, I knew there was no way I could drink it the way she describes. So I started Googling alternatives and I found a woman that uses the same Apple Cider Vinegar, but she mixes it with 100% grape juice. I can do that! Within the first hour of me drinking my grape juice/ACV mixture and my clogged ears finally popped, I felt better and ALL of my head congestion was gone. My nose was still slightly congested, but my forehead did not feel like it was going to explode! This is definitely THE HEAD COLD REMEDY!
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So what did I do?
I took 1 TBS of Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother…don’t forget that mother!) and I mixed it with about 6-8 ounces of 100% grape juice. The first time I drank it, I gagged. I’m not going to lie. However, it wasn’t really the taste that made me gag as much as I knew what it smelled like and I knew it was there. It was like I was on my own episode of Fear Factor, without the hissing cockroaches. However, the second and third time I drank it, I used a straw and that was SOOOOOO much better! I was able to suck it down quickly and go about my day.
How It Helped Cure Head Cold
- Ears are no longer clogged
- Sore throat is completely gone
- Pressure in my head is completely gone
- I have slight nasal congestion
Other things I’ve notice since drinking this:
- I have zero heartburn
- My breath is OK and I don’t feel the need for gum
That last one may seem a little silly, but I had a chicken wrap sandwich for lunch that had jalapeno’s and salsa on it. Normally that would get me bad breath and a not so pleasant taste in my mouth. But I have none of that. My mouth feels like I just brushed it, minus the minty fresh taste from the toothpaste. This is probably the best head cold treatment I’ve ever found!! I think this would be a good thing to remember for that summer head cold too!
I am definitely a fan! My daughter even drank some this evening…I gave her 1 tsp in grape juice. She also said it made her feel better!
Has anyone else tried this?
While you are laying low for a bit, relax with one of these 15 Binge Worthy Netflix Shows and pick up an adult coloring book and enjoy your day!
YES!! Apple Cider Vinegar is honestly one of the most amazing things out there. Another great way to use it is to dab it under your armpits if you start to stink more so than usual. It eats away bad bacteria and leaves behind good bacteria. 🙂
can i just take a tbsp straight or does it have to be mixed with another liquid
You totally could just do a shot of it! I mix it because I have a horrible gag reflex and the smell is what sets me off. I know plenty of people that start their day with a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar!
I’m so glad it worked for you! I noticed the same thing the first time with my clogged ears clearing up ALMOST IMMEDIATELY. It was fantastic.
The way I drink it, it reminds of warm cider. yum!
what did you use ? I was wondering if apple juice is ok does it work the same ?
Thanks for the great review Leah! I’m going to pass this onto my mother who always have a sinus allergy and head cold all the time.
Wish I had seen this 10 days ago before the cold became a sinus infection!
Hiw often did you drink this!! Im feeling a head cold coming in and would love to nip it in the butt!!
I drank it 3-4 times a day.
can you use any type of juice ?
You can mix it with whatever kind of juice you choose! I chose grape juice because I like it, for one thing, but it has a strong flavor too!
1tbs of Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 lemon squeezed
Fresh graded Ginger
3tbs of Local honey
8oz of hot water
How long did you all have to take it before you started feeling like a person again, no more sore throat, no more head congestion, stuffy nose gone, etc. ? Was it days or a week?
Right away I could feel some of the congestion clearing up. After drinking it a few times a day, by day three I was feeling MUCH better.
Yes ive sworn by this for years. Im a reflexologist and suggest acv to my clients. It has so many useful benefits internally and externally. When i first started to use acv i had a kidney stone. But not any more. Plus i can honestly say i feel more awake. My cholesterol is down to normal. Unbelievable if you see the things I eat. If used neat in the mouth it will not only make your breath smell better but will clear plaque from your teeth. However you should brush teeth afterwards and rince well after. It will clean your teeth not unnatural white because teeth are not supposed to be white. Also i hear its great for clearing the dreaded nit from childrens hair. I believe you wash the childs hair in coconut oil then acv to kill the nit, then lovely clean nit free child. It does not taste too bad. I have it as a hot drink 3 -4 times a day with honey and lemon juice and hot water.
I just took a shot of the apple cider vinegar and washed it down with some water. It actually wasn’t as bad as i thought it would be. Hoping this works ?
Alot cheaper than nyquil which just knocks me out.
I hope you feel better!
Can you take it in the pill form and get the same results?
I’m really not sure. I’ve not taken the pills before. If you decide to try the pills, let me know what you think of them!