Last week I told you how I was participating in a 30 week series of all the different things my kids need to know. The topic for last week was 20 Random Things about me. If you haven’t read it yet, I suggest you do. It’s pretty great! This week the topic is, 3 fears I have and how they became fears.
3 Fears of Mine
My fears have changed over the years. If you would have asked me this five years ago, I would have said my number one fear was fire. But that’s no longer the case. I’ve sense overcome that fear enough that I can light candles and not freak that I have lit candles in the house. If you ask me to stick my head in the fireplace to turn it on, I still will tell you that you’re crazy, but I wouldn’t consider fire to be a huge fear of mine anymore.
Instead, my number one fear is time. More specifically, not having enough of it. The biggest trigger for this fear centers around my husband. With the amount that he travels for work, it always worries me that something will happen and we wouldn’t have had enough time with each other. This fear stems from seeing people I care about lose their significant other.
My second fear is a fear of feeling trapped. Whenever I am in a room I immediately look for all the different exits. If I’m there for a class or seminar of some sort, I have to sit by the exit or I have a panic attack. This happens to me on airplanes and boats, too. I like to know that I have a way out if need be. Which is kind of funny since I will be flying alone and going on a cruise in April. Figure that one out!
Finally, my third fear is of spiders. I hate them. Yes I know I am bigger than they are, but they make my skin crawl. True story…when I walk into my downstairs bathroom, I have to stand in the hallway, reach in and turn on the light. After the light is on, I take a quick look around and then I will go in and sit. Why do I do this? Well…one time I was using the bathroom and a spider dropped from the ceiling and landed on my lap. That happened four years ago, but it doesn’t matter. I was scared of spiders before that, but after that happened, my fear intensified.
YES! Someone else is as afraid of spiders as I am! I mean, that’s not a good thing, but sometimes people look at me, after I have a slightly violent reaction when I see a spider, like I’m crazy. I don’t get this reaction, HELLO! It’s a spider! And yeah, had a spider dropped down on me while using the loo? I’d burn the entire house down. I have the heebie jeebies just thinking about it . . . probably going to be thinking of nothing else the next time I use the loo. Gee, thanks for that. *lol*
If you read my list you will see spiders is my #1 fear. I am so scared of them I can’t even kill them.