Say WHAT?!?
A couple weeks ago, I read an article that said the new Batman movie was going to be filmed in Detroit. Being that I am from that area, I thought that was pretty neat. I’d love to take my son to see if he could catch a glimpse of the movie being filmed. He’d eat that up! I, on the other hand, will be looking for Mr. Affleck! And please, I know some people are upset that he is Batman, but my wanting to see him has nothing to do with his acting ability…it is pure on what he looks like. I’m not gonna lie!
Now we all know Ben Affleck and his family will most definitely NOT be living in the city of Detroit. So it got me thinking of all the nice suburbs around Detroit that he may be renting a house from. I came up with a little list:
- Birmingham
- Royal Oak
- West Bloomfield
- Grosse Pointe
All of those cities are close too Detroit and not too far that I couldn’t drive around like I’m a crazed fan paparazzi or something! I have had a crush on this actor since I saw him in Mallrats. So much so, my boy crazy teenage self even planned a wedding to him (and I am not ashamed to admit that)! I wonder who my daughters first, real movie star crush will be…
If any of you happen to see the headline:
Ben Affleck stalked by local blogger in Detroit
Please come bail me out!
*putting away bail money as we speak*…..
Ben as Batman… *eye twitch*
I could care less about who plays Batman, but I do like that I’ll see him in the bat suit 😉
OMG he is SO delicious. I’d actually really like to meet Jennifer Garner. She seems so cool and down to earth.