This week, in my 30 Things my Kids Need to Know series, I will be writing about 10 things I would like to tell my 16 year old self. If you would like to read the previous weeks posts, go here, here and here.
10 Things I Would Tell my 16 Year Old Self
1. What you look like on the outside is nothing compared to what you are like on the inside. Don’t get hung up on whether you are the prettiest or the skinniest. The best thing you can do is be a kind and caring person who thinks of others. That will get you further in life than a skinny body or a pretty face.
2. I know math seems stupid and you really don’t see why you have to learn the Pythagorean Theorem (and honestly, I’ve never used it past college), but you still need to do your best and ask for help when you need it. And trust me, in 16 years when you are working with your kids on their math, you’re gonna wish you could go back to the Pythagorean Theorem…Common Core math is ridiculous. Just wait!
3. I know you’re excited to drive, but if you accidentally hit a car while you’re trying to park, do the responsible thing and either try and find out who the car belongs to or leave a note where they can contact you. Don’t just park on the other end of the parking lot.
4. Don’t allow peer pressure make you feel like you have to do anything you don’t want to do. There will be plenty of kids, even some of your friends, that like to party on the weekend and experiment with drugs and alcohol, but that doesn’t mean you have to. If they don’t want to be your friend because you say no, they were never your friend to begin with.
5. Get involved in school. Join the student council; help make homecoming floats; do something! Learning to get involved when you are young will stay with you as you get older and being involved in things is where you meet some really great friends.
6. Dissecting the fetal pig, no matter how gross it sounds to you, will not kill you. You might just find the whole thing to be very interesting. And, if you finish before everyone else, you may get a chance to see what the brain looks like. How cool is that?!?
7. Having a boyfriend is fun and exciting, but don’t stay with a boy when you find out he is cheating, just so you can have a boyfriend. Have a little more respect for yourself and break ties.
8. Don’t get upset if you aren’t able to go out with friends because you have to work. Having a job, so long as it does not interfere with school, will teach you the value of a dollar and the importance of saving vs. spending. That lesson will be a lifelong lesson.
9. Be social. Go out with friends. Invite people to do things with you. Waiting for someone to invite you could mean you get left home. The worst thing a person can say is no.
10. Most importantly, be YOU. Don’t be the you that everyone else wants you to be. Be the person you want to be. If people don’t like it, so be it. At least you are true to yourself.
It’s funny the things I know now as an adult. I wish that I would have understood these things (and so much more) when I was a kid. I think it would have made life easier and a lot less confusing.
Your Turn
If you could tell your 16 year old self just one thing, what would you say? Would you tell yourself about dating and the opposite/same sex? Or would you tell yourself what life will be like when they get older? I would love to know what you would tell yourself.
How about “Don’t worry about popularity and such, it won’t get you anywhere in the future and once you get to college or “real life” we all equal out. So just do your thing and do well in school. Because really, if you do well you might be those peoples boss one day.”
“Don’t get caught up in drama that makes you cry your eyes out or think something is the end of the world. Because I promise it isn’t. You are 16 and time and life will move forward and real problems will happen later.”