This week in the series, 30 Things my Kids Need to Know is about 3 wishes. If I had 3 wishes, what would I wish for. If you missed last week, you can read it here.
30 Things my Kids Need to Know: If I had 3 Wishes…
This one is easy for me to answer. I would NOT wish to have unlimited wishes. You have to work for things in life. If you were always handed what you wanted, simply by saying, “I wish…” what does that teach you? With that said, here are the three things I would wish for:
- Money. Not billions of dollars, but enough to pay off my house so we could have a better house built, pay off the rest of my student loan and enough to put money aside for the kids college education. We had only planned on staying in our current home for 5 years. We’ve been in it 10 years. We are so upside down in it because the housing market literally crashed right after we purchased it. If we sold it, we would take a huge hit.
- Have Dan home every night. Right now he travels for work. A Lot. I’m not going to lie, the kids and I don’t like it. I think the only plus for me is that I get to watch all the crazy reality t.v. shows I want without someone telling me it’s garbage. So if I could, I would wish that he was home with us every single evening.
- A cure for all Cancers. I’ve seen too many people in my life deal with Cancer and die from Cancer. If I had the ability to make a wish, one of those wishes would be for a cure for all Cancers. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Thank you for a topic to blog about today! I love that you’re wishes aren’t extravagant. I remember a time when my husband was gone for a week for work and I about lost my mind so I give you props for handling it so much better!
Oh Jennifer…I do not handle it well at all!! I put up a good front during the day, but once the kids are in bed…
1. That all my family and friends, especially my kids would know Jesus Christ as their personal savior. But I know that wish takes away free will.
2. A side-effect free treatment that is effective for ADHD, ocd, asperger’s, and ODD.
3. A work-from-home job that is legit.
Jamie, I just got involved with Young Living essential oils because I am looking for a side effect free treatment to ADHD as well. So far I am pretty happy with what I am doing. If you would like more information, please let me know!