I’ve had several embarrassing moments throughout my life. Probably more than I care to remember from middle school and high school. What teen doesn’t have embarrassing moments? But, since I can’t remember specifics, they obviously didn’t scar me too badly! Thankfully for me, my most embarrassing moment did not happen as a teen.
Slightly Embarrassing Moment
When my husband and I went on our first date, we went to see the Bone Collector movie. We were early for the movie so we decided to sit at a restaurant called Champps. There was just one problem…at that time (I don’t know if they still do this), but after a certain time, you have to be 21 to get in. I was only 18. It was our first date and my age was already and issue (he was 22)! Rather than go somewhere else, my husband had to talk the bouncer into letting me in if I promised to have water. <–So embarrassing!
My Most Embarrassing Moment
But…this was not my most embarrassing moment. My most embarrassing moment happened 7 years ago. Bella was just a baby and in her crib; Zachary was downstairs watching Tom & Jerry on T.V. I had lost some baby weight so I thought I would try on a dress that I wanted to get back into. It fit, but didn’t look perfect so I got the great idea to try it on with Spanx. As I was pulling the Spanx on, I wiggled a little too much and the next thing I know, I’m on the ground in tremendous pain. My kneecap dislocated! It was the most horrific thing I had ever seen or felt. Bella was crying in her crib. I had no choice but to push my kneecap in myself. Talk about painful.
So where’s the embarrassing part? I’m getting to it! I had to scoot on my butt, down the stairs to the phone. I called my mom and my husband and my husband told me to call an ambulance and my mom told me she was on her way to my house. The paramedics get there (who were VERY good looking, by the way) and I had to tell them why my bare butt was hanging out of a pair of Spanx and how I dislocated my kneecap. You could tell one guy was trying not to laugh!
Oh my! I bet you were FAR from the craziest thing that those paramedics had seen, but that’s definitely embarrassing! I can’t think of mine at the moment, but I’m sure I’ve had some doozies in the past… that I’d probably not want to publicly share! 🙂
Oh my goodness! I can’t even imagine!!
I can’t recall any at the present moment but I’m sure there were a few.
Okay, that was funny. Sorry. My most embarrassing moment has to do with my backside, too. LOL. I’m doing the 30 things series, too, and I’m not at this one yet… I’m sharing it on my blog. However, yours may have me beat. But like Xenia said, I bet they have seen a whole lot more embarrassing things than that. I’m impressed that you were able to pop your kneecap back in place. Wow!
Oh my goodness. I’m sorry, but that’s hilarious! I’d be pretty embarrassed too!
holy ouch!!
I don’t limit myself to one embarrassing moment. I continually add to them but having class and doing stuff like falling up a set of stairs!
That’s awful, I can’t imagine having to push my kneecap back into place! I’ve had plenty of embarrassing moments, one being my skirt flying off when I was 15 and the wrap around skirts were popular. 🙂
Oh my gosh, your embarrassing moment trumps all! I’m picture this spandex incident as I type…
Ooh ouch, I’m definitely cringing on your behalf! Mine was when my car’s engine started smoking and I thought it was going to catch fire so I pulled over & called the fire dept. It happened to be on the way home from a Halloween party & I was dressed like Snow White. Yeah, that was a fun one.
I am not sure if it was the most embarrassing… I try to block that kind of stuff out! But, I was just pregnant with my last child and at the pumpkin patch tried to pull a pumpkin off the vine. (Goodness gracious! Please always carry a knife!) It wasn’t even a really big one. I threw my back out and couldn’t move. I remember being in the patch full of people and having to yell “I can’t move!!! HELP!!” starring at the ground, trying not to move because of the pain, I had to be carried by two big guys back onto the pumpkin wagon. I felt like such an idiot. I kept getting comments like, ” you should have lifted with your legs”.
Oh my, I bet that was embarrassing! I have had a lot of embarrassing moments, but they have helped me learn to laugh at things more and not take life so seriously all the time, haha.
It was high school(the WORST place ever to have an embarrassing moment!!) We had a huge lobby where everyone hung out after lunch, it was a giant indoor open area. Everyone had their spots. I was walking with a friend, talking, across the middle of the entire place and all of a sudden I hear a few shrieks and one scream. An instant later I stepped in someones puke on the floor. I froze… closed my eyes and said a silent prayer to just disappear at that moment. I guess it had just happened and no one had gotten there yet to clean it up. I didnt say anything, walked straight to the bathroom to wash my shoe off and try to regain some dignity.
I still get the pain of embarrassment when I recall that memory lol
I have so many embarrassing moments it’s hard to pick just one..LOL!
OMGoodness totally embarrassing no matter how you look at it. I remember one year after having baby number 4 and trying on a swimsuit with my two girls in the dressing room and trying to squeeze into it and bouncing back and forth. I didn’t even want to try one on but kids wanted to go swimming at the hotel. Next thing i hear is laughter and one of my daughter’s saying I looked like a whale trying to get off a beach. Forever humiliated I’ve not worn one since. I know she didn’t mean it like she said but it hurt deep.
I can totally picture myself doing something like that!
Oh yeah, that was classic. Luckily, when I’ve had moments like that I haven’t ad to call an ambulance.
Haha, great post. I have some embarrassing moments too!