I used to buy those carpet deodorizers that you sprinkle on the floor before vacuuming. Only, the last time I bought one, the smell was so overpoweringly strong that it gave me a massive headache. When I was doing laundry today, I accidentally knocked the box of baking soda off the dryer that my husband uses when he washes his clothes after he smokes a cigar (which I’ll go on record to say…I HATE SMOKING) and I thought to myself “I can make my own homemade carpet deodorizer“!
I’ve written before about my love for essential oils. I use them for everything, why not in a homemade carpet deodorizer recipe?!?
Homemade Carpet Deodorizer
- Baking Soda
- Essential Oil of your choice
- Empty Parmesan cheese container
- Wash and completely dry your Parmesan cheese container. Let it air dry over night.
- Fill the container with baking soda (my container was a Sams Club size container so I needed two boxes of baking soda).
- Add the essential oil of your choosing. I went with Young Living Peppermint oil because spiders don’t like peppermint. I put 12 drops per cup of baking soda.
My family room smells so good!! And…I’ve gotten quite a bit done today! Peppermint oil helps to increase brain function. That’s why they are always saying that students should suck on a peppermint candy when they are taking a test! So not only am I making my family room a minefield for spiders, but I am boosting my brain too!
I love the tip that spiders avoid peppermint. I could totally use that around my house too! As far as which oil I would have used, I might try blending the peppermint with some lavender. At least I’d try to play it safe the first try and then go from there.