“Your dad has Cancer.”
I still remember the day those words were said to me. I was sitting on my bed and while part of me already expected to hear that news, there was that small part of me that was hoping it was something totally different. That was a little over 6 months ago. 3 months after being diagnosed, he passed away. To say I have a lot of negative feelings and emotions built up would be an understatement. While I understand what happened and what he had was not really treatable because of how aggressive it was, there’s that other part of me that still can’t believe he’s passed away. He had health issues (heart attacks, strokes, etc) throughout my entire life, but he always got better. He would go in for his procedure, come home and be fine for years. So when I found out he had Cancer and even after I was told the kind of Cancer he had and I heard what the doctors were saying and I was reading what Google had written, there was still that tiny part of me that thought maybe, just maybe he would be that person they right medical journal articles about. The guy that beat the unbeatable Cancer. But he wasn’t.
Since then, I’ve noticed that I have really been holding on to negative feelings and emotions more than ever. I’ve told you before how I am very much into essential oils. I’ve seen first hand how they have better my life and my family’s life. So I started to research the different oils to see if there was one that could help with my negative feelings and emotions. I mean, do you know what it feels like to be tense all of the time? To feel a tightness in your forehead and wishing it would go away so you could relax and be happy? If not, you’re lucky. I came across Young Living’s Surrender oil.
What immediately drew me to this oil was the description…here’s a portion of it:
Surrender™ is a calming, soothing blend formulated for individuals who feel a need to be controlling. It helps quiet troubled hearts so that negative emotions can be released. Surrender may also help return feelings of equilibrium and inner strength.
Um…that description is me to a T. So I purchased the oil and used it for the first time today. I didn’t think much of it at the time. I was busy rushing my son out to school, making my daughter breakfast and breaking our garage door. Yep. I broke the garage door this morning. You see, today was trash day. My husband was out of town for work and I had to take the trash out. Which is fine, but I didn’t realize my husband stood a few planks of wood up by the garage door track. See where this is going?? So I open the garage door, turn around and grab the garbage and by the time I turned back to the garage, the door was being pushed off the track. I immediately start texting my husband that he needs to come home, I can’t get this to close properly, etc. As he was trying to walk me through it, I just had a complete meltdown and cried and cried. It was the straw that broke the camels back for me.
Later during the day, I started to think about it. Right before I broke the garage door, I put the Surrender oil on. My hysteria during the garage door debacle was not because of the garage door…it was a release of all the negative emotions I had built up. In fact, I put the oil on again this evening and I just felt relaxed and calmed. I felt calm. This has definitely become my new favorite oil!
If you would like more information on this oil or other oils that Young Living has to offer, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I would love to speak with you! Like I said before, Young Living essential oils have truly changed my life for the better.
I too have found that essential oils have helped me through many days. Peppermint is one of my favorites. They are so calming and I like turning to something natural.
I also like that they are natural. Thanks for the comment!
I keep seeing stuff about essential oils but have to admit to never having tried them beyond putting them in an infuser. I have the Opium one for scent that I absolutely love, as that’s a favorite perfume of mine but I don’t think it has any real health benefit. I’d love to try one that would help me relax.
If you have any questions, I would love to take a moment to talk with you about essential oils. I love mine!!! It’s one of my favorite things I own!
I need to get some of that. that also describes me completely!! I love Essential Oils and use them often, so I know they do work!
Once Christmas is out of the way, I want to invest in some Young Living oils. I have read so much about their benefits and really want to give them a try!
Never met anyone who regretted getting started with Young Living. They’ve changed our lives!
I love the way a scent can turn a bad day into a good one. I love experimenting with candles but will give oils a try!
Carissa, a scent can definitely change a day! I especially like this particular oil, but I also like Stress Away. That one smells so good!!
I’d love to talk with you one day about oils and answer any questions you may have!
Well, at least you got the door closed! I have been hearing so much about essential oils lately and one of my best friends just started selling them. I need to learn more.
Oh gosh, that door. My goodness. I told my husband it was technically his fault LOL
I have just been learning about oils and am very interested in them. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Ellen, if you would every like to talk, I am more than willing to answer any questions you have!
I love essential oils! They do so much good for us that some people would immediately turn to medicine for. I’m not saying there aren’t times you need medicine, but I do think that essential oils can help a lot of things!
I could definitely use some calmness, especially around travel season. I get so stressed out.
Can they be used with children? My son can get very agitated, he’s too angry for a 5 year old! I would love for him to have an easier time being calm.
Yes! My 10 year old actually asked me to use it after I used it on him the day before. He liked it a lot.
I tried an essential oil for the first time for my husband’s anger flares. I put it in a pot of water on the stove along with some lemon peel and cinnamon, so he was not aware that I had added some “calming” oil to the potpouri. He did calm down a lot and I am attributiing it to the oil I used.
Have heard about this product but never used them. Great that they are all natural. Thank you for sharing!
We’ve been using essential oils for a while now, too. They definitely are good at improving moods.
I LOVE essential oils! I was raised in Europe were we have a much more natural approach to health and essential oils are a big part of our healthy living protocol. How powerful that you are finally able to find peace! My prayers are with you.
I’ve been thinking more and more about trying/experimenting with essential oils to help lessen the severe anxiety that I suffer from. I’ve heard a lot about so many beneficial effects of the oils that I’d like to see for myself, how helpful they are. I know when I am around peppermint/mint scents, I feel more at peace and relaxed, so I’m wondering if using the purest essential oils in a diffuser would help calm my nerves?
I absolutely LOVE Stress Away. It is my go to oil!
I love using essential oils, but I’m so bad about actually remembering to do so. Sorry for your loss as well.