It’s very irritating to me to have people look at me and start making comments when I say that I am following a gluten free lifestyle.
“You’re following mainstream trends”
“Way to jump on the bandwagon”
“So…you’re not allergic to wheat?”
Recently I went to the allergist because I suspected that I had some food allergies. I ended up being right and I walked out of that appointment with two epi pens and an allergy to tree nuts. What I also learned at that appointment was that, while I am not allergic to wheat, the way I was feeling after eating most meals throughout the day says I am gluten sensitive.
My Gluten Sensitive Signs
- Bloating, gas and other lovely gastrointestinal things after eating a meal.
- Brain fog or getting extremely tired after eating.
- Pain and or swelling in my joins…especially my knees and hips.
It became my normal. I eat a meal and then I feel like crud after. Sometimes I would attribute those feelings to the fact that I may have over eaten. However, after talking with my allergist, he told me that I should 100% eliminate gluten from my diet for about 2-3 weeks. Once I’ve eliminated it for that time period, then reintroduce it slowly. If all my signs come back or get worse, we know I am gluten sensitive and should avoid it. I’ve successfully eliminated gluten 100% for the last 10 days and it’s been the best 10 days I’ve had in a VERY long time. I am no longer bloated or gassy after eating, the brain fog is gone and I the joint pain seems to be less. I no longer feel like I need a nap at 3 pm to make it through my day. I feel so great that I don’t even want to reintroduce it back into my body. I want it gone for good!
A gluten free lifestyle is not for everyone. However, if you are feeling the way I mentioned, and you’ve talked with your doctor, try eliminating gluten. See how it makes you feel. If you truly have a gluten sensitivity, I would have to imagine you would notice the difference right away. The best part for me…not being totally exhausted at 3 pm every day! Hands down!
If you are looking for a good gluten intolerance resource, check out The Gluten Intolerance Group of North America. I found them to be a wealth of information and I also ordered some cards to help me in restaurants and at the grocery store.
If you follow a gluten free lifestyle, what is your favorite gluten free snack?
I have been eating gluten free since 2007. I had the gassy, blogating, BIG D, and all the gastro problems, as well as pain in my legs so bad that I had to take pain relievers every night before bed just so I could sleep. I don’t miss all that at all. I am a Glutino VIP blogger, and love their products. They make the best bread including some to die for Cinnamon Raisin bread. Pretzels, cookies and toaster pastries that mimic Pop Tarts. Any of their cookies or pretzels are very good.