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I love to read. In fact, I’ve loved to read pretty much from the moment I learned how to do it. Some of my fondest memories from my childhood was the books I was reading and the trips to the library. I used to check out as many books as I could carry and I would read them all in that three week time span. So, as you can imagine, one of my best birthday presents ever was when my husband and kids got me a Kindle Paperwhite.
The Chronos Files Series
A friend of mine recommended that I read The Chronos Files series by Rysa Walker. If you aren’t familiar with the series, The Chronos Files is about time travel. I will admit…I wasn’t too interested at first. It didn’t sound like my thing, but then I decided to give it a try.
I was so wrong!
The Chronos Files series is TOTALLY my thing. The characters are easy to relate with and while we can’t do the whole time travel thing, you totally are made to feel like you can. Or at least you want to. I don’t know about you, but I like books that suck me in. If I’m thinking about the book after I finish it, it’s a good book! I like books that makes me want to do exactly what that main character is doing at that moment. The Chronos Files series does all of that!
Now I told you that my best birthday present EVER was the Kindle Paperwhite. I love the fact that I can take that little Kindle Paperwhite anywhere with me because it’s so light, but it holds a charge for close to a month! And I read on it EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Isn’t the case pretty?!? Mr. DGoddess also picked out that beautiful Coach purse behind it. I was a very lucky girl this past birthday! I honestly don’t know that he can top that present!
If you read a lot, you may want to look into the Kindle Unlimited membership. It’s $9.99 a month, but you can choose from over 800,000 books and read as many as you want each month! I lucked out and got me a two year membership on the Amazon Prime day for very very inexpensive. So far I have read 4 books with my Kindle Unlimited membership and I haven’t had it that long! It’s well worth it, in my opinion!
Be sure to check out my link above for the Kindle Paperwhite and see if it is something you or someone you know would like. I’m not joking when I say it was the best gift I’ve ever gotten! And be sure to download The Chronos Files series. The first book is Timebound.
This sounds like a great read. I always love reading books about impossible things that make you BELIEVE they’re possible.
OK, I really need to look more into this. Sounds fab! Thank you for sharing.
I love how I can read on a kindle any were and the app on my smart phone!! This sounds like a great book series I am always looking for a new read!
Yay for such a terrific birthday present! I can’t believe it holds it’s charge for a month! I love to read, I wish there were more hours in the day so I could read more.
I used to love to read! I still do but haven’t seem to have the time. This 9.99 deal can be pretty good especially if you have kids that love to read.