This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and it’s advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #KYTrySomethingNew #CollectiveBias
What’s your ideal date night? Do you like going out on the town with your spouse and eating at all the fancy restaurants you wouldn’t dare take your children to? Or do you prefer going to the movies and watching the latest and greatest at the theater? Or, even better, are you more of a fun and games kind of person and want to hit up the local arcade or maybe even a round of mini-golf? While all of those things sound really fun to me, sometimes all I need is a date night in (though, Mr. DGoddess, if you are reading this…I do want a date night out on the town somewhere. Hint hint).
Since Mr. DGoddess and I haven’t been able to spend much quality time together in quite awhile, I decided to put together the following K-Y® Yours+Mine® Couples Lubricants® date night basket for him!
I decided to head to my local Walmart for the items in my K-Y® Date Night Basket because I had a $1 off coupon for any K-Y® product! I found K-Y® Yours+Mine® Couples Lubricants® in the personal care aisle.
As I wandered through Walmart, I started to think about the different things I wanted to put in this date night basket. A few years ago I made my husband a Date Night Jar. Unfortunately, ever since giving him the jar, it just sat there on a shelf and was never really used. So I decided that was DEFINITELY going to be re-gifted to him! If you haven’t made a date night jar before, it’s really easy. Simply get a jar of your choice, some natural craft sticks at your local crafting store, a permanent marker, and start labeling each stick with different date night ideas! I colored the tip of the stick red to show that those were the sticks for date nights outside the home!
Some date night jar ideas:
- Play your favorite board game
- Put together a puzzle
- Cook a late dinner together
- Cuddle by the fire and watch a scary movie
- Set up a practical joke on the kids
- Visit a restaurant you’ve never been to
Now, given the fact that we are most likely having a date night in, and that we will probably be eating dinner with the kids, I decided to make my husband’s favorite cookies…chocolate chip! I picked up a yummy gluten-free chocolate chip cookie mix (they are so good! They don’t even taste any different than regular chocolate chip cookies…these just don’t hurt my belly) for us to share and a bottle of wine!
My last, kinda cheesy, touch to the date night basket was to make a mixed “tape”. When were first started dating, and when cars still had cassette tape decks, we used to make mixed tapes for each other. On this mix “tape”, I put a lot of songs that hold some sort of meaning for us and also songs that I feel are totally “us” that once he listens to it and really listens to the lyrics, he’d totally get why I put it on there.
The goal of the K-Y® Date Night Basket is to help spice up the fall season and help us get back to US. I think so often we get going in our daily routines and forget about the romance and quite frankly, the fun part of the relationship that brought us together. I mean…look at us…we are young and fun people. We need to get back to that!
What do you do to spice up your date night?
If you would like to get more information and print out the coupon for the $1 off any K-Y® product, please click here.
One of the reasons why I love road trips with my family is because I can plug my phone into the car and listen to all of our old favorite songs while we drive. Songs can bring back so many great memories. Any I will always take a chocolate chip cookie for a date night dessert! #client