It’s back to school time! That means shopping, shopping and more shopping! I’ll admit, I actually love this time of year. Not only does it show me there is an end in site for all this bickering between the kids, but I love buying school supplies! Different colored folders, notebooks, loose leaf paper, pencils…I love buying all of it! Well, except for that one time my son’s teacher wanted twisty crayons. Those were not easy to find! Since the days of shared supplies is over for my kids, and my daughter LOVES to have everything she owns personalized, I’ve put together a list of some super cute personalized back to school items you just need to get your kids this year!! They will thank you just like this old Meijer commercial!
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Personalized Back to School Items
One thing I wish I would have done when my kids first started school was one of those First Day of School signs. This one I found on Etsy is absolutely adorable and way nicer than ANYTHING I could put together! I’m so not crafty! Not to mention, I hate touching chalk, so I would definitely need to use these chalk markers! I love all the colors!
I never really thought personalized pencils were that big of a deal until my kids each got a pack of pencils with their names on it. They thought those were AWESOME! And…with their names on the pencil, no one can walk off with it and say it’s theirs! If your kids first names all start with the same letter, just get the first initial with the last name and anyone can use the pencils!! You can even get mechanical pencils personalized!
My daughter absolutely loved the year she got to take a pencil box to school. You would have thought the supply list said, “you’re going to get ice cream every single day”! She was that excited. Why not make those pencil boxes even more exciting and get a personalized one?!? You pick the color box AND the color vinyls you would like used!
Making sure our kids stay hydrated during their long day at school is super important. If they are hydrated, not only do they feel better, but their brain is able to learn better. These personalized water bottles are super cute and I like that they can clip to the backpack! Makes taking it to and from school super easy!! You can choose the colors AND the design that you would like!!
This next item is another one that I wish I would have thought of when my kids first started school. The first day of school shirt is super cute. Basically you buy this t-shirt in a size that you think your kid may wear when they are graduating school (I would get an Adult XL) and have them put this shirt on for first day of school pictures every year until their last year of high school! How super cute is that?!?
Aren’t these things cute?!? Whether you have kids just starting out in school (definitely get the chalkboard and t-shirt!!) or your kids have been in school awhile, there is definitely something here for everyone! I especially like the personalized water bottles that clip to their backpacks. What personalized back to school item do you like most?
I love the personalized pencil boxes and the “class of” shirt idea is so cute!