Summer is almost here!! Here in Michigan we have the rest of this week and all of next week and then it’s no more school until September! I can’t tell you how excited I am to not have to set my alarm or to make school lunches. The kids are also excited to be out of school. With no school, they can play outside more, watch more TV and play video games. One thing I will be starting this summer, that I have been meaning to do all year, but haven’t, are chore lists. I think the chore list will help things run a little more smoothly and give them a little responsibility while they’re at it!
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Chore Lists for Tweens and Teens
The one thing I really hate, as a mother, is when I have to nag the kids to do something. I don’t want to do that. They don’t want to listen to it. But what they do want, is for me to take them to the park program every single day, let them watch TV and play video games whenever they want. Quite frankly, that is what I would like too. I like them running around outside all day long and I don’t mind the TV and video game time when they are indoors…but, when I do start minding all that is when I have to ask them repeatedly to do something.
How Will Chore Lists Help?
By setting up chore lists with a things daily that I expect them to do, they will know that if they complete their tasks each morning, then they will have the rest of the day to do the things that they want. Not only that, but they will learn to be more responsible and to prioritize their time. For instance, the park program starts at 10 am, Monday through Friday. They will know that if they want to go to the park program at 10 am, then they will need to eat, brush their teeth, and complete their daily chores. If the chores aren’t completed, they don’t go. They will have a chance to go to the 2 pm park program instead.
I picked up this magnetic pad to put their chore lists on. It is currently marked down super cheap right now, so I would pick it up if you like this idea! My idea is to put their initial next to a couple chores each day. That way they know which one has to complete the chore.
Types of Chores
My kids are 10 and almost 13 (next week!!). A few of the chores I am thinking about are:
- Unload the dishwasher
- Load the dishwasher
- Put clothes away
- Sweep the floor
- Wipe the counters
- Wipe the kitchen table
I’m not looking to give them massive jobs that will take hours. Just little jobs that help with the day to day running of our household. Since I will be driving them all over the city for the park program, lacrosse practices, etc., giving them these little jobs will help me, as much as it will help them!
These are great ideas. I think it’s so important for kids of all ages to have age appropriate chores. It teaches them the value of work and helping others.
I didn’t do this when my kids were little but I wish I had. And then by the time they were teens, they had so many outside activities that I let them off the hook. My grandson is five, and he already has a couple chores. He does them to the best of his ability and doesn’t usually complain (too much).
I think this is awesome. So important to make it clear what expectations are with our kids. Actually in any relatoinship!
I have always had chores for my Son to do. I think it is important for him to help out around the house. This is a great chore list for Tweens.
I had chore lists for my kids when they were younger and lived at home. It was better than telling them time and time again what they needed to do.
That’s a cute chore list. These are chores they can easily do, I’m sure. It’s important to give them little responsibilities in the house. They won’t only be helping you, but they will learn a lot from this as well.
How funny! I just posted about chores this week on my blog. I find that if you have fun tools for them to use they will be happier about helping.
I think it definitely helps. I make sure that the kids do chores at home as well. It helps them learn life skills that they’re going to need when they grow up and live alone.
I have my little one’s on a “helpers schedule”. I’m trying to groom them to be helpers around the house, so that once they hit this tween age, they can do these small chores alone.
I think this is a great idea. Kids need to have some chores around the house. My girls are a bit young, but I still give them certain chores. They know to clean their rooms and they can put laundry away. They even help with vacuuming and sweeping sometimes.
My kids are 9 and 6 and do a lot of chores around house. They have a few that they are expected to do every day like make their beds, keep their rooms clean and feed the dog and let her out to use the bathroom. They also do things like dishes, laundry and dusting sometimes if they want to help out on cleaning day.
I get my kids to help with all sorts of things around the house. It teaches them valuable skills and it encourages them to help keep the household running smoothly.
THis is awesome, keep them busy all summer!