Last summer, the last thing I wanted was for the kids to wake up and spend all day, every day on their electronics. I also didn’t want to spend my day nagging them repeatedly to do their chores. So I started leaving little to do lists on the counter for them with various chores that they needed to complete before they could even think about pulling out an electronic. It worked fairly well. It allowed me to sleep in a bit too (well…if you call sleeping until 7:30 am, sleeping in)! This summer, I want to do the same thing, but go a step further. I will be using this summer daily planner and attaching it to the fridge every night.
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Print your FREE Summer Daily Planner printable HERE
I think it is very important for kids to have chores during the summer (and during the school year). We do not pay an allowance right now, as the chores we ask the kids to do are things that help out the family from day to day. Things we do pay for are extra things. For example, cutting the grass, doing a load of laundry, etc. My husband and I like to listen to Dave Ramsey and I believe he had a podcast all about how your kids can earn commission for various jobs. Basically you will put up a job chart and the kids can pick and choose extra jobs if they want to earn a little extra money. It works out well (usually).
The nice thing about this summer daily planner is that you can write out one sheet for both kids. I just make sure to label who does what or they would fight. Seriously…I don’t know about your kids, but mine seem to fight about everything lately. Since my kids are older, one thing they are responsible for in the summer is making their own breakfast and lunch. I take care of dinner. However, what I hate is when I see them standing in front of the fridge just staring at the food like it’s going to spontaneously change into something new. By giving them two choices, they feel like they are making their own choices, which they are, but you are still ultimately getting them to eat what you want them to eat!
AmazonBasics Clear Sheet Protectors – Letter Size (100 Pack)Paper Mate InkJoy Gel Retractable Pen, 0.7mm, Ink, Pack of 14, Assorted (1951636)
So how do you get this summer daily planner sheet to work for you? Simply fill it out accordingly and slip it in to a sheet protector and hang it on your fridge. At the end of the day, slip your daily planner sheet into a binder. This way, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel every single day. Lets face it, a lot of these daily chores, as well as the meals, can be repeated! Definitely take a look at those InkJoy Gel Pens. They are super nice to write with AND they come in pretty colors. I don’t know about you, but I just love writing in different colored ink!
This is great! I’ve done a very similar thing last year. I like to let them have free time, but chores, summer reading and even summer retention homework must be done before electronics time is granted! Great printable.
I so need this printable in my life for summer break. My middle does great with a planner and I need to get my youngest on some of routine for summer break. I can’t believe it will be here before we know it!
I really like this idea – otherwise the kids just sit around wasting time and not having an idea of how the day is going to play out. Plus, my kids respond much better to list style things than me just telling them 🙂
I love the idea of using a summer daily planner for kids. Summer break can get chaotic and it’s a great way to teach your children time management. Love the printable.
I think it is best to have this. They will learn to be responsible with our little notes and for the kids. We need to assign some chores for them to do.
I love anything that helps my children to be more organized and get their chores done! Thank you for sharing!
This has some great lessons to teach kids! It helps with setting small goals and keeping to them on top of being organized!
I definitely need to print this out asap! We are trying to fill my boys summer full so they don’t drive me nuts! lol
OMG! You sound exactly like me! The bloody electronics! Little zombies!! I love this idea and will be putting it to very good use. Thanks a milllion for the idea!!