I mentioned before that I am going to Brandcation in October (still looking for a sponsor!) and I am VERY excited to find out that we will be going to Dollywood! I love theme parks and will go on just about anything at least once! The funny thing is, my parents were thinking about taking my kids to Dollywood on vacation this past June, but decided to wait a year because they weren’t sure if there would be much for my five year old to do…now I can scope the place out and let my parents know for next year!
I haven’t been on a roller coaster since before I had my kids…so over eight years ago. I have to admit, I’m a tad nervous. I get motion sick now, whereas I never did before…but that’s not going to stop me! After looking at their website, I want to go on the Wild Eagle roller coaster. Check it out:
Would you go on it?!?
Check out Dollywood on Facebook and Twitter and start planning your family vacation today!
Thank you to Marketplace Homes for sponsoring me for this years Brandcation: Blog Cabin conference! Think you can’t move, think again and contact Marketplace Homes today! Marketplace Homes, Moving the World!
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