A year and a half or two years ago I dislocated my right kneecap. My right knee was my bad knee all through high school swimming. Anyway, after months of physical therapy, it seemed to be getting better and knock on wood, I haven’t had an issue with it since.
You’re probably wondering how in the world I dislocated my kneecap. Don’t laugh. But I was trying on a dress (can’t remember why) and I was ecstatic that it still fit, but thought it would look better if I was wearing Spanx (see where this is going?). So, as you can guess, I went to put a pair of Spanx on. If you’ve ever worn Spanx before, you know that it takes a few tricks and whatnot to pull them up. I must have turned my right foot out a weird way because the next thing you know, I felt this weird feeling in my knee, looked down to see a donut sticking out the side of my leg, and was unable to bend my leg. I just fell to the side.
So fast forward 2 years later. More specifically, fast forward to today. I was sitting in our recliner and went to stand up. I put one hand on my left leg and pushed down as I stood up. Next thing I knew, I was beginning to feel that strangely familiar feeling of my kneecap slipping out. I grabbed my leg so my kneecap did not go full out, but enough that I am now swollen and in pain.
This was supposed to be my GOOD knee people. My good knee. WTH? Now I have two bad knees and I am only 28 years old.
Girl you just game me the major heebie jeebies!!!! Made my stomache turn and everything. Yeah I know I’m a wimp, I just cant think of that stuff it grosses me out!!!! Hope you feel better.
I’m having a giveaway on Friday if that would help your knee!
Ah, I go that beat. I had both knees reconstructed in high school. I had one done my freshman year and one done my sophomore year. I’m 29 now and I haven’t been able to run as a workout in at least 5 years (that was the last time I tried). I’ve been forever relegated to the bike, stairmaster, or elliptical. Hope you feel better soon.
OH my goodness Leah! That sounds so painful. I could totally see how putting on the Spanx could do that too. LOL 🙂 Can the doctors do anything about that? That is so weird they just pop out like that. I actually didn’t even know kneecaps could do that. OUCH!
Oh, ouch! I hear ya, I have 2 junk feet.