If your child is old enough to tell you that he is EMBARRASSED to be wearing pjs out in public, then WHY in the world would you force him to do it? I totally understand and am glad you had enough common sense to not leave him in the car by himself, but for the love of Mike, why force him to feel embarrassed by what he is wearing?
This kid looked to be about 10 years old and he was begging his mom to not let him out of the car. He kept telling her that he didn’t want to be seen in public in his pjs. She told him he was being silly and to get out of the car. He was to the point of tears, thats how embarrassed he was. Why make him do it? I understand with littler kids…it’s easier sometimes and they could care less. But if a kid is old enough to tell you that it makes them uncomfortable, why force it?
I felt bad for him and I wanted to kick the mom. Not to mention, his pjs totally didn’t go with the weather outside. They looked like the kids on The Polar Express. So he wasn’t wearing a jacket (he would have been WAY too hot) which probably made it even more uncomfortable for him. At least a jacket would have covered up half the embarrassment for him.
I hope that kid didn’t see anyone from school. I would hate for him to be even more embarrassed. Poor kid. Stupid mom.
Lucie says
Perhaps said 10 year old was being a butt head for Mom and she decided to teach him a lesson. If he was resisting getting dressed then good on Mom-because at some point the kids have to learn that you are the boss.
awww…seriously that makes me sad. so lazy
Leah says
Lucie–He very well could have been a butt head for his mom and I do not know that. All I know is what I saw and I felt bad for him. But unless he was walking around his house naked, she had him change out of whatever clothes he was wearing to put the pjs on.
I don’t know. But I also think that lessons can and should be learned without humiliation. But then again, I only have a 4 and a 2 year old. Maybe I will think differently later on, but at this moment, humiliating a child to teach them a lesson is not in my discipline/lesson teaching/whatever style.
Bloggymommy says
That’s terrible! Poor kid! I dont understand why lots of people do some of the things they do!
Cat @ 3 Kids and Us says
That is really sad. PJ’s are meant for bed, it’s not okay to run around outside of the house in them at any age. There’s never a good reason to humiliate a child, never!
Staci says
It’s so sad that some parents feel the need to belittle or embarrass their kids for whatever reason. My son is 4 and told me one day that he thought his shirt was embarrassing-so we changed. Seriously, there are better approaches than forcing your kid to feel that way.
Leah says
I should clarify that this was 7 at night.
Mistaken says
When my daughter was in kindergarten, she did not want to go to school one day and refused to get dressed. I took her to the bus stop in her pajamas and she went to school. She has never complained about going to school or getting dressed since then. She is now in 5th grade and just fine.
Gloria says
Unfortunately this woman is totally self-centered otherwise she would have thought about her sons feelings. This makes me so mad and I say mad because it is parents like this that little by little tear their childrens self-esteem down! I am far from perfect and I am sure my kids would attest to this fact but I can say the one thing I did was consider my childrens feelings. My daughter was the type of kid that would have gone out in her pj’s and my son was the opposite he would have been like the boy who wanted to stay in the car.
It is important that we make our children safe not just physically but emotionally as well. I think I would have dope slapped that barch if I saw this scene in the parking lot.
Amanda says
I can see making your child wear their pajamas to school because they didn’t get dressed on time. I’ve done it, and it backfired on me. My son liked it. He was also in 1st grade.
I don’t know the circumstances either, like maybe she was a single mom and the kid was all bathed and ready for bed when she realized she needed some things. But if that were the case she could’ve tried to plan to shop another time or let her son change before they left.