Right now I am far, far, FAR away from home at Creative Memories National Showcase event. Basically 3,000 women (and a couple men) come together for some awesome training, new product launches and a whole lotta fun!
And let me tell you, the car ride to Minneapolis was a riot! My friend Sue drove and I swear, it was a miracle she was able to stay on the road with all the laughing we are doing. We were talking about our kids and I started telling everyone in the car about how my son came home from summer school and informed me he wanted to get a midget. Yes…a midget. He told me that a kid in his class told him about midgets and he thought they sounded really cool. “Can we get one mom?” he asked me. After I stopped spitting coke out my nose and peeing my pants from laughing, I explained to him that midgets were people. They were humans just like he and I are…just a tad smaller. He didn’t believe me. So I did what any other mother would do. I googled it.
Oh I should NOT have done that. Did you know that when you google “midgets” you could possibly pull up a picture of a little person wearing booby tassles? Of course that almost struck up another converstation with him and my daughter is very proud since she thinks we own booby tassles…she came running downstairs in her brothers graduation cap, proudly holding onto the tassle. So anyway, after proving to him that midgets are people and not pets, he seemed satisfied, a tad sad…but satisfied.
We drive a little further and then start talking about our kids again. I mean, here we are…on a trip away from our families for 5 whole days and we spend the entire 12 hour car ride talking about them! But that’s OK. If you can burn calories laughing…we burned a whole lot on that car ride. Our next converstation was about boners and how my son asked me why his “peeper” stands up straight in the morning. Being that I don’t have one and was totally not ready to have this conversation, my explaination went as follows:
“Well honey, it’s kind of like when you wake up in the morning and need to stretch your arms and legs. Your peeper needs to stretch too”
Not sure if that is the best explaination, but it was all I could think of at the moment.
And finally, our conversation ended on a mild, PG note…Books on Tape!
Bet you wished you were in our car!
That's why I am glad I don't have a boy yet! I don't know if I can deal with those things! (Penises I mean 😉
That is way tooo funny!!! My little one is too young to say stuff like that, but I'm sure the day will come when I get to share. Hilarious!