I was that mom. Again. Today Zachary fell pretty bad and was screaming in pain and holding his foot. He couldn’t walk on it, couldn’t stand to have it touched, etc. I called my husband to see what he thought. Of course, he said “Take him to Urgent Care. If something is wrong with his foot, it needs to be fixed or he’ll have foot problems for the rest of his life”. So of course, I drive him to Urgent Care. Within 10 minutes of being there, that little stinker was jumping off of chairs. WTH?
So of course when I tell the registration lady that I am leaving, that my son is OK, she gives me the dirtiest look like I don’t know what I am talking about and how I am such a bad mom if I were to leave before we saw a doctor. Did I mention, he was jumping off the chairs? To make matters worse, when I took him out of there, he started yelling “but I want to see the doctor. My foot is broken. I want to have pictures take”…right so now I am getting those looks from the whole room.
Had we stayed, one of two things would have happened…one, the doctor would have looked at me like I was a complete idiot or two, my son would have been questioned like “honey, did anyone make you fall?” etc. And to make matters worse, this morning, on the way in to preschool, I accidentally tripped the poor kid. So I think we can all see how that conversation would have gone!
Anyway, the kid is fine. His foot doesn’t hurt and we were sure to take a picture of it when we got home to make him happy!
Ugh.. don’t you hate that?! I have learned that if you do take them there is nothing wrong and if you dont, you probably should have!!! It’s murpheys law. And it ALWAYS happens when the regular doctor is closed.
Of course, that is how it always goes right. They are dying at home and totally fine in the waiting room. You did the right thing!
Wow, what a rotten day. My kids are always feigning something to try to get to the dr’s office. Glad his foot was okay though.
It’s a tough call to make. If you didn’t take him then something would have been wrong. Like Nicole said, Murphy’s Law. Glad he’s fine.