He is just the sweetest thing in the world. I’ve wanted one for a long time but it never seemed like the right time. We’ve been going to the humane society quite a bit the past few days and we just fell in love with this guy.
He is a black lab and border collie mix (they are thinking border collie because of the wavy ears), 5 months old, and super super sweet! I can’t wait to bring him home. He is getting fixed tomorrow and can come home with me on Wednesday!!!!
Right now, me and the kids are trying to figure out what we are going to name him. Zack says Bonzo…not to sure on that one hahaha Zack has vetoed Oreo.
So leave me a comment if you have a good name. I’m sorry I don’t have a picture. There is one on my phone but I don’t know how to get it off my phone and onto my computer.
Thanks Colleen!
Sounds like a very cute dog! I am always bad at naming pets. I always name mine people names.
Oh, Oreo sounds like a cute name! How fun! We got a dog last March and she’s so much fun. Can’t wait to see a picture!
Congrats. I can’t wait to see puppy. We are excited!
His name is Cody! I will post pictures Wednesday!
we got our dog from a rescue and she’s fantastic! never had a better dog. she came with a pretty lousy name that I wanted to change but never asctually did it. so Lexi, it is.
can’t wait to see pix
Gypsum, Codie just a couple of names I could think of… I hope am not too late in suggesting a name for your dog… 🙂
Yay! I’m glad you settled on Cody! I hope the kids enjoy him! I can’t wait to see pictures….