It’s a wonder I’m not drinking right now! Dan had his vasectomy today. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was SCARED. But not because he was about to have minor surgery…he was afraid that it wouldn’t work after. It went OK. He felt a lot of it…as he said “his nuts were just not numb enough”. I am just exhausted. I ran up and down the stairs I don’t know how many times bringing him frozen bags of peas.
As if that wasn’t enough, Bella fell head first into a small table and now has a GIANT goose egg on the middle of her forehead. I swear, if she would have hit it just a tad bit harder, she would have cut her head open. She is definitely my klutzy kid!
I do have to send some praises Cody’s way. He is definitely getting the hang of going to the door when he needs to go out…now I just need to figure out how I can get him to bark or let me know he is AT the door! But hey, I can’t complain!
And finally…congratulations to Obama!!! As I am typing this post, McCain is speaking and I have to say, out of all the speeches I have ever heard from candidates that have lost, this is probably the best one.
My husband said the same thing, he said he felt it all. He said it was the worst thing he has ever felt. Anyway he got over it, kind of.
Poor baby, I hope her head feels better. I call my middle boy Grace. He is far from graceful!
And THIS is why you are the Domestic Goddess!
PS. Can your husband talk my husband into having that done?
Hey I miss you around the Tu. It’s just not the same without you. Next time your in town we will have to get togeher.
I would love to Laurie Ann!!!
Sorry our chat got cut off the other day. I was going to say Len is a big baby about things like that too. Hope he is healing as planned and back to normal in no time.