Today I am stopped at a light, minding my own business, ignoring my 4 year old’s mindless questions, when all of a sudden some lady hits my car from behind. She freaking ran in to me. Didn’t stop. Didn’t look. Just hit me. And what did the genius say when she got out of the car?
“Oh my goodness! I am so sorry. I was driving and I looked down to get my inhaler out of my purse…”.
Um. Isn’t rule number 1 when you are in an accident, to keep your mouth shut? I mean I know it can be no one’s fault but hers since I was stopped at a light, but still.
Luckily no one was hurt, but still. WATCH THE FREAKING ROAD.
seriously WTF!!!!
Yikes! Glad everyone’s ok. Was it bad enough to have to replace car seats?
So glad you’re ok! That sounds like the guy who hit us last year. He said he wasn’t feeling well and shouldn’t have been driving anyway, and that he had looked back to answer his son and when he looked back at the road he didn’t have enough time to stop. He was driving a truck, spun us into another truck, which spun us into a telephone pole. Our 3-week old car was totaled and we were lucky to be alive… nobody was seriously hurt, amazingly, and the guy’s two kids were fine.
People need to learn when they should and shouldn’t be on the road…
Good to know that everyone was okay. Same thing happened to my dad a few years ago. It was by an old lady that could barely see over the steering wheel. He was hurt but not badly thank goodness.
I am so glad you guys are okay! I cannot tell you how many times I have seen that happen. Thankfully only happened to us once. The guy was lucky I did not punch him, the car was only 4 days old.