…have your pet spayed or neutered.
I just dropped my fur baby off at The Humane Society to be spayed. It was a zoo in there. Literally. There were 8 puppies there to be spayed or neutered (including Zoe) and they were all wound up. Jumping around, barking, rolling on the ground. One dog was especially vocal this morning. Little did he know, he was getting his balls removed. Not sure he would have been so happy had he known that tidbit of information!
So Zoe will have a slumber party with all the friends she made in the waiting room and we will pick her up tomorrow morning between 8 and 10. I almost had to laugh at the doctor when he was going over the information for when Zoe comes home. “Keep Zoe calm for 7-10 days”. She is a 14 week old puppy. I’m hoping she doesn’t come home with that lamp shade thing on her head. Dogs always look so funny with that thing on their head.
Anyone thinking about getting a dog…wait until spring. For the next 7-10 days I will have to take Zoe out on a leash at all times to make sure that she doesn’t go tearing around our yard and hurt her incision. Today, with the wind chill factored in, it is -30. That is freakin cold!
YIKES!! Cold day. I hope all goes well.
awwe, hope things go well for Zoe!!
BTW, there’s an award on my blog for you!!
Thanks I will check out the blog award and post it tonight once my kiddies go to sleep!
Jess- It is SOOOOO cold. I hate this weather.
how stinking cute is Zoe….
Brrrrr. No thanks. I hate the cold and we have been lucky to stay pretty warm this month. Come Feb that will be a different story:)
My 11 month old Yorkie, Buoy, gets snipped next Friday. He won’t like it, but maybe he’ll stop hiking on every doorframe and we’ll finally break up the love affair with his bed.
We only get pound puppies and just love them. We’d love to have puppies, but it’s best for them to be fixed, so we do.
Now if our city would enforce the pet laws for cat owners like they do for dog owners, I’d be thrilled!!