Those of you that don’t know me too well yet, don’t know that I tend to over think things to the point that it is kind of…well…obsessive in nature. You see, what happens is, a thought pops into my head, no matter how big or how small, and then I start thinking and thinking and thinking about it. Over thinking it.
Right now I am thinking about my daughters name and what I am going to put on her paper for preschool as to what to have them call her. Bella (what we call her 99% of the time) or Isabella (her actual full name). My thinking (here we go…haha) is, the teacher writes the kids name on a card and when it is there turn to pick a center, they are shown the card with their name and they go over the letters that spell their name. So…do I want her to learn Isabella, which will probably be hard for her or do I want her to learn Bella, which will be easy and is also what she is called pretty much the majority of the time?
My other thinking (told ya it tended to be obsessive in nature) is that while I love nicknames, I love actual names. My son is Zachary and I call him Zachary. I may refer to him as Zack or type Zack when telling a funny story, but 99.5% of the time, he is Zachary and he actually tells people her prefers to be called Zachary. Now my daughter…she has always been Bella. Even though I was dead set on the name Isabella. I’m actually thinking about starting to call her Isabella more. I think the name is a beautiful name and like I said, I really love calling people by their actual name (Michael instead of Mike, etc).
Ugh told you about my thinking on things haha. Now why can’t I put all that thought process to good use to like solve hunger in our country or something.
So what did you do/or will do? Did you introduce your children in school with their full name or nickname?
oh i have such an issue with the names of my kids….
i always wanted a daughter “lucy”. but i loved the name lucia so “luci” works perfectly. she goes by both pretty equally.
my son, john, goes by jack. i did not want to name him john. that was all my husband, who is john. and his father is john. not junior and senior – they have different middle names. but once we named him john, my husband got a little taste of how annoying it can be to share the name of someone else in your house. hence, the name jack. and of course, my inlaws don’t like it so it just all around sucks. not sure what i’ll do with him in school. especially since it’s a totally different name for goodness sake…….
I hear ya. But I think it’s best for her to learn her real name first and everything will be pie from there. I went into school having to learn how to spell Catherine Stigleman, yeah fun stuff…but if I could master that I’m sure she’ll do just fine.
I have a Zachary too, and at home we call him Zachie a lot. I don’t even remember where that started. He knew his name was Zachary and I just asked him what he wanted to be called when he went to preschool. He was old enough to have an opinion at that point. Your kids will probably change their minds 100 times by the time they’re out of school too. I wouldn’t stress.