Like many people, I want to lose weight. Like many people, I have again made it a New Years Resolution. I do every year and every year I fail. However, this year is different. Shortly before Christmas I had routine blood work done and my cholesterol was sky high. We’re talking high LDL, low HDL, high triglycerides…it is the worst combo you could have. Besides having high cholesterol, my glucose level was borderline high.
This was the wake up call I needed. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had to follow the diabetic diet. Whenever I would get pissed off about not being able to eat something, I quickly got over it. I was not doing the diet for me. I as doing it for the health of my baby. For two years since having her, I told myself I as going to do that diet again. But I didn’t. I didn’t have a reason to. However, now I have my reason staring at me in black and white. High cholesterol could lead to stroke or heart attack…high glucose could lead to diabetes.
Starting tomorrow, I am going to outline on my blog exactly what I am going to do as a diet. I am going to weigh myself and list my starting weight (can’t believe I am going to do that lol) on my blog. I am going to have my husband measure me. Every Sunday I will weigh in and post my weight along with my meal plan for the week. Each month I will have my husband remeasure me.
Anyone who would like to join me in this effort, go for it! Having weight loss buddies would be very benefitial!
Look for The Goddess Loses 2009 tomorrow and every Sunday!
YOu are welcome to join us over at Think Thin Thursdays at The Not-So-Blog! Get some weight loss buddies AND win prizes!
Thanks I will look at it tomorrow (I’m off to bed)…
I’ll be your weight loss buddy!
I have the EXACT same problem, our bloodwork results match!
I’ve been doing some reading, would love to know what approach you are going to be taking.
I’m with you all the way!
email me to if you need to vent, get past a ‘gotta eat for no good reason’ or for any reason whatsoever! I’ve got your back!
WE can DO this!
I have a really nice excel spreadsheet at work that tracks your progress really well.
If you’d like to have it, drop me a note and I’ll send it your way tomorrow!
I, too, have high cholesterol…I have been eating more vegetables and less bread, pasta and rice..seems to be working. Monday I am going to begin walking…hopefully that will help with the weight loss/health improvement.
Good luck!
I believe in you! 2009 will be a great year for you! Go Leah!!!
thanks everyone! My brother and his wife just left so as soon as I can, I will get the post up with the info and begin this weight loss journey!
Hey just remember that water is key with exercise
I think this is a good article to help.
read this