This PSA has to do with prescriptions. Make sure that you count EVERY pill to make sure they give you every pill you need. I take a medication twice a day so I need 60 pills for the month. I was out and was going out today so I grabbed the bottle and figured I would drop it off at a pharmacy near where I would be at. I get a call from the pharmacy telling me that my insurance is rejecting payment because it was too soon for me to fill it. That didn’t make sense. I was out of pills. How could it be too soon? So after talking it over with a super nice lady at Rite Aid, we came to the conclusion that the pharmacy I got the prescription filled at did not give me all 60 pills. More like they only gave me 30 pills. I was starting to panic. This was a prescription that I NEEDED…I would be a mess if I didn’t take it.
So I called CVS (where I had it filled previously) and started talking to the pharmacist. She INSISTED they gave me all 60 pills. I told her that it wasn’t possible since I take the medication twice a day and now I am out…out 15 days before I should be out. Then something happened and we got disconnected. By this time I was about to lose it. I did not have the money to pay out of pocket for the medication. I called CVS again. Now remember, by this time I was beyond livid. I told the woman that if we didn’t fix this today, I was going to get a hold of her general manager and bring them into it. She put me on hold and lo and behold, my missing 30 pills…the 30 pills they said they had given me…they appeared and I was being told to come on up there and pick them up.
Count those pills. Especially if you have to take multiple doses a day. Oh and while I am on my PSA kick…those of you that live in Southeast Michigan…stay away from the Ford Road Walgreens Pharmacy in Canton. They suck. I took the prescription to that pharmacy originally before I dropped my son off at school (at 12pm). They told me it would be ready at 1:15. I went back at 3:00 and they had no clue what I was there for. This is NOT the first time they have “forgotten” to fill a prescription…I could go on and on about that crappy pharmacy.
I was getting ready to go on vacation and went to fill my prescription that I would need to be filled while on vacation. Ooops! It was too soon to do it, so I spent a lot of time on vacation trying to find a place to fill it. It was very frustrating!
It must be Walgreens in general! Last week, I dropped off my prescription at 4pm. They asked when I would like to pick it up, I said around 5-5:30pm. I went in at 6:15pm, still NOT READY! They said, "Oh give us 15 minutes". At 6:45, I am fuming, the kids are going nuts, I walk out and decide to go to the drive thru. Then I sat in the drive thru another 15 minutes, I finally got my meds at around 7:15pm, with NO apology, no reason WHY it took them over 2 hours to fill something that was supposed to be filled and ready 2 hours before.
I vowed to never go back there, thankfully we have a CVS and Target that are pretty good with their times!