I have done some bad things in my time, but I’m thinking this one takes the cake and has finally pushed me over the edge to burn for eternity.
My kids and I stop at Target before picking up our dog at the groomers. One of my children begins to throw the mother of all tantrums because I said no to buying a toy. If it wasn’t for the fact that I am in desperate need of caffeine, I would have left the cart and dragged my kids out of Target so no one else had to listen to the tantrum. But dammit, I needed my coke zero. So walking quickly with a screaming child in the cart was the only way to go. I have to say, I was proud of how calm I was with the screaming child. I didn’t once lose it…with them at least. Yes I got a lot of nasty stares from people probably wishing I would muzzle my child, but like I said…I needed that coke zero.
I was almost to the check out line when this older lady (probably in her 60’s) started making repeated comments about how I should shut my child up. The woman even walked behind me to the register to continue to tell me how to raise my child and how “a firm tongue and a smack on the bottom” would do the trick. I had finally had it. I turned around and looked at her and said…here is the part that just throws me over the cliff into the burning hole…
“shut the *blankity blank blank* up”
I am not proud of speaking so rudely to my elders, but dammit that woman pissed me off and as if having a screaming child wasn’t enough. Oh and don’t worry, my kids won’t be saying the blankity blank blank stuff because I spoke to the woman quietly…and if they heard me over the screaming…well then they sure are good at the selective hearing thing!
So to the (rude) 60ish lady, I am sorry I told you to shut up…and swore at you, but my gosh learn to mind your own business.
LOL!!! I most likley would have said the same thing! Thanks for the laugh and I am sure you are not going to hell for telling a nosy lady off…she she have kept her comments to herslef!
I have to agree…others need to mind their own business…and I am sure there are many who WISHED they would have said just what you did.
Can't blame you – I think I would have just the same reaction!!
oh my gosh! well i would say that she kind of deserved it a bit…