Do you ever have the feeling like “if only there were something I could do to help”, but then feel like you have no way to help? This could be something big like helping the people in Haiti to something on a smaller scale like helping a local boys and girls club build a new playground.
But guess what, now you can! Thanks to The Pepsi Refresh Project, they are looking for businesses, non-profit organizations, and people who have an idea that will make a positive impact. Pepsi is encouraging people to submit their ideas and are accepting 1000 ideas each month. Starting on February 1st (today!) you can start voting on the various ideas (up to 10 a day).
So how does it work? It’s quite simple. Follow the steps below:
- Come up with an idea.
- Pick a category (Health, Arts & Culture, Food & Shelter, The Planet, Neighborhoods, or Education)
- Choose a grant level (5k, 25k, 50k, 250k)
- Fill out submission application
If you are one of the first 1000 of the month to submit an idea between the 1st and the 15th of the month, then the public begin voting. You can vote on your own idea too!
Remember, all it takes is an idea to get things moving. Head on over to The Pepsi Refresh Project today to submit your idea or begin voting.
Thanks for the heads up. I have a few ideas to submit.