When I was going to school for my teaching certificate, I took a class and part of that class I had to research zero tolerance and write a paper and basically choose a side. I had a very hard time with that paper because it had to relate to elementary school and maybe this is naive of me, but I really don’t think kids in elementary school fully understand ALL of their actions enough to have a zero tolerance policy in place. I mean, when it comes to young children in elementary school, I think that the adults in the school are responsible for teaching them right and wrong and learning from their actions when they are in school and having a zero tolerance policy takes away that learning experience. Once they are in middle school and high school, I feel it’s a different story and a zero tolerance policy should be in place. Especially in this situation.
Last week there was a fight at a high school campus in Canton, Michigan. Only I wouldn’t really call it a fight as much as I would call it a freaking beating. According to this article, a boy was “sucker punched” from behind. When he went down, the other boy proceeded to beat him to the point of shattering his pelvis. WTF???
In talking with a friend who’s children go to this particular high school, the boys both got a 14 day suspension. Again, WTF? 14 days? That’s it? 14 days for BEATING someone. That is just ludicrous to me. And this is the PERFECT example of where a zero tolerance policy should be enforced. The boy that beat the other one and shattered his pelvis should be expelled.
Yes boys will fight. I know this. But this was not a “meet me at the flag pole after school” kind of fight. This was a beating and the fact that the one boy ended up with a shattered pelvis, how much fighting could he have done? Not a whole hell of a lot, if any.
Ugh this makes me sick. What is wrong with people????
cause the philosophy is we must save them all at the cost at the rest of the kids…it is disturbing & annoying…yep that is our future….
This sickens me to no end. I am so sad by this. What is wrong with people?????!?
this was definitely not an innocent schoolyard fight. kids definitely know right from wrong enough to know that hurting something to that point is disgusting.