I know I know…this is usually posted on Sunday’s. I couldn’t post it this Sunday because Blogger was down for maintenance and then yesterday I was working on my house (we’re remodeling).
Anyway, unfortunately this week I had a gain. A small gain, but a gain nonetheless. I gained .4 which I know isn’t that bad. Shoot I could have just drank too much water before bed or not enough water the day before. But it still sucks to gain.
This week I vow to drink more water and not go overboard on my son’s birthday cake on Sunday. Though that is a weigh in day and I do give myself one day where I can eat what I want and not count points…we’ll see. I also want to start exercising more. Which is kind of funny to say “exercise more” when I really don’t exercise at all! So I’ll rephrase, I want to start exercising. I think I will start with walking on the treadmill 3 days a week for 30 minutes.
What is your goal this week?? Leave me a comment to tell me. Also, be sure to sign the linky below if you are doing your own weight loss posts!
eliminate bread and pasta and pizza for a week. I did that once for two weeks and lost weight even without exercising. I love bread though. It's a weakness ahh