Or if some awesome plastic surgeon would like to give me the procedures for free (I’ll blog about it!), I would have a tummy tuck. Not only would I have a tummy tuck, but I would have lipo and breast implants. I wouldn’t get major porn star boobs, but I would definitely get something big enough to fill out a bra better.
Remember when Oprah had the show about getting a proper bra fitting and told everyone they should go to Nordstroms to get that bra fitting? Well I went to Nordstroms…even went to the one in Chicago and guess what my genius of a bra fitter told me “I really don’t know what bra to put you in, you have POOR BREAST TISSUE”. Well thank you bra fitter. Way to make me feel OK in the body I have. Sheesh.
So yes, I would, without a doubt, get breast implants to help fill out more…maybe give the illusion of better breast tissue. But I would have to have the lipo and tummy tuck too. Two c-sections later, my body has been through the ringer. Love my kids to death, but hate what they’ve done to my body.
However, since I doubt a plastic surgeon will read my blog and call me up and say “Hey Leah, would you like to have complimentary services done to make your body awesome”, and I doubt I’ll win the lotto (gotta buy the tickets first), I will just have to be content with the body I have. Maybe I’ll get one of those jars and start saving all my coins in it…make it my “Plastic Surgery Fund” jar. You know like the “Diaper Fund” jars or “Gambling Fund” jars?
Now thats an idea!
Poor breast tissue! What a load of nonsense. I'm a bra fitter and have seen so many different breasts and there is no such thing. I've heard My Intimacy stores are good for fitting Try and brave another fitting and hopefully you can put the plastic idea on the back burner.
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