I walked into my son’s school office today to sign in. Every other week I volunteer in the copy room and make copies for the teachers. It’s an easy job and I really don’t mind doing it…but that’s all besides the point. So I walk into the office and it sounds like someone is talking, but super far away. Like they are throwing their voice or something. But then it sounded like Regis, which really confused me until I saw the HUGE flat screen TV mounted on the wall next to the secretary’s desk with Regis and Kelly on.
That took my by surprise. Doesn’t the office secretary have enough to do during the day without having the TV on next to her? Not to mention, what kind of message does that send to the students? I mean, we tell our children that we go to school to prepare us for the “real world”…at least that’s what I remember the message being when I was younger. There aren’t many jobs in the “real world” where you can work while watching TV.
I don’t know if I would be feeling the same way if I would have walked in and the news was on…but at the same time, doesn’t the school have better things to spend money on than a TV to keep the secretary happy during the day? That seems like a TOTALLY unnecessary purchase.
What do you think? It would also be another thing if it was the same kind of TV that is mounted in the classrooms that plays the school news on it. That I get. But a HUGE flat screen next to the secretary’s desk playing personal entertainment just seems inappropriate to me.
While this may be a bit strange perhaps she paid for it herself and so it is approved to be there? I dunno i guess i would be ok with it because I know our secretary does not really have a ton to do on a daily basis and so is likely to get fairly bored.
especially if they don't have to do stuff like photo copying because wonderful parents such as yourself go in to help with it.
I tend to agree with you. I, like you, probably wouldn't have been too taken aback if the news were on, but watching Regis and Kelly…um no! And YES you would think that school districts are in enough financial trouble already without having to explain the purchase of a flat screen!
I am with the other poster, maybe she brought it in herself and they okayed it? I don't think it would bother me.
I really doubt she purchased it herself…but maybe she did. Who knows! It just struck me as odd…not so much that it was there, as much as what was on it.
She is like the head secretary (our office has two) and she is the one that is ALWAYS there and I'm thinking kind of runs things when the Principal is not there.
Yup, bizarre. I would see if perhaps your volunteer services could be used in another part of the building, since she obviously has so much time to kill.
I tend to agree with you. That TV, or the money that was used to purchase it, could be put to better use. Even something like what our clinic has would be better. They have a few flat screen TVs mounted on the walls in various areas, and they run information about what's going on around post, MWR trips, sign ups for youth sports, etc.
Is it always there? Maybe they were moving the tv from one place to another and she took advantage of it at that moment. Maybe there was a special thing that they were going to watch … on regis or bfore/after. I don't know if I would be quick to judge? There are so many possibilities and so many other things to get fired up over.
Wow that does seem super odd. I'm going to run it by my husband and see if he's ever seen anything like that. He has been transferred to 3 different schools in this district in 3 years so maybe he's seen something like it. I can't see the school purchasing it though. I know teachers can bring in mini fridges and microwaves of their own but that is preapproved by the union and school district.
i bet they actually have a TV for safety reasons…like if there is a local shooter, etc
Also for weather reasons, snow coming in, etc
While there is a time and a place for TV, if she gets her job done it doesnt bother me. Kids and adults do not get the same privileges. Additionally, people would say i am a bad mother for playing on the internet when my daughter is awake….but i can multitask too and my family is first if they need me, kwim?
I see what you're saying trisha. I too can multitask with my kids and the computer.
I am actually sitting in the office right now waiting for the book fair to open back up and the tv is running a slideshow of pictures from during the school year. So maybe I was a tad quick to judge 🙁
Chances are it was just on bc of the weather…regis and kelly just struck me as odd. I'm glad it's not like that today!