Remember how I told you about my experience with the crappy photographer my daughters school had to take the school pictures? Well Ms. Valerie Gleason of Embrace-Photography needs to take a few notes from the AWESOME fundraiser company we just finished up with…Savory Foods.
Savory Foods is a fundraiser company that is located out of Grand Rapids, MI. They sell cookie doughs, lava cakes, and the BEST popcorn ever! Especially their Chocolately Delight caramel corn…so good! But besides their good food, they have the best customer service around.
After dividing up around 395 tubs of cookie doughs for our families to pick up, it came to our attention a couple hours later that we were missing one item. While it stunk that we were missing one, I was glad it was just one. Anyway, I immediately called up our coordinator with Savory Foods and rather than her tell me “sorry you signed off that you received everything”, she understood that mistakes happen and rather than place blame on either herself or me, she simply said “no problem! I will drive one out to you tomorrow”.
I would recommend Savory Foods to any and all organizations looking for a fundraiser. In fact, if you are interested in signing up with them, let me know. I can send you a referral form and what happens is, at the end of your fundraising event, our school with get a check for referring you AND you will get a check as well as a “Welcome to Savory Foods”! It’s a win-win for everyone!
So Ms. Valerie Gleason…THAT’S what customer service is all about. Maybe you should call up Savory Foods and see if they can take you under their wing and mentor you a bit on how to treat customers properly AND create returning customers.
I might have to consider this for my rescue her fundraising efforts!! This is good to know!!
Heather from Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Rescue Her!