There. I said it. I am going to lose 100lbs.
I am a HUGE watcher of The Biggest Loser. I think it is amazing what those people accomplish. I also like how they show the emotional journey they go on as well. So many people don’t even realize why they’ve gained weight and I believe our emotions are a HUGE factor. I know it is with me.
I’ve tried all kinds of diets and ways to lose weight…well except for that weight loss hypnosis, haven’t tried that yet…and I always say, “nothing works for me”. But what I’m not willing to add in there is, nothing seems to work for me because I never seem to put 100% EFFORT into it. Until now. I don’t know if it’s because I am turning 30 in a few weeks and you all know what seems to happen once you hit your 30s. People always say their weight loss hit a standstill once they hit 30. Well that’s not going to happen to me and if there is one thing I have learned from watching The Biggest Loser, it’s that it does not matter what age you are, with a lot of work and eating right, you can lose the weight.
Unfortunately, I don’t have unlimited hours a day to focus on my weight loss efforts or to spend in the gym. What I do have is a gym membership and Fenphedra. Yes. I am using a diet pill to lose weight. Before I start getting a lot of flack, let me tell you why. I believe Fenphedra is exactly what I need to jumpstart my metabolism and start my body on the right track of losing weight. Why is that? Well let me show you. Below is exactly what is in Fenphedra from their website:
200 mg DiCaffeine Malate — When Coca-Cola first came out it actually contained Cocaine (true fact) and when cocaine was made illegal after World War I they scrambled to find an alterantive that would stimulate the mind and body and have similar effects. The ingredient they found was caffeine. But we don’t just use any old caffeine as our alternative to cocaine. We use an ultra potent multi-dimensional ingredient that combines all natural Caffeine with Malic Acid into an ionic bonded compound which optimizes energy, stimulates thermogenesis, and promotes mental focus. You haven’t experienced the full effects of caffeine until you’ve tried DiCaffeine Malate.
200mg ChocamineTM — A proprietary extract of the Colombian cocoa plant. It contains numerous constituents including methylxanthines (theobromine, caffeine, and theophylline), biogenic amines (phenylethylamine, tyramine, and according to one source, synephrine), amino acids (phenylalanine, tryptophan, tyrosine, others), minerals (with a high content of magnesium), numerous beneficial antioxidants, and possibly some non-psychoactive cannabanoid-related compounds.
20mg Phenylethylamine (PEA) — PEA is asubstance that’s related to our own catecholamine neurotransmitters and their amino acid precursors, tyrosine and phenylalanine. PEA has arousal properties similar to catecholamines and may be one of the pleasure substances in the brain. PEA has been called the “Love Drug”. It is extracted from chocolate and is responsible for what chocaholics call Chocolate High
20mg Synephrine HCl — 100% Synephrine hcl is the chemical cousin of the now banned substance ephedra. It can help burn fat, suppress appetite and increase energy. Synephrine HCl is derived from the Citrus aurantium fruit, which is used for a variety of purposes in traditional Chinese medicine.
All of that above is used to increase the metabolism and help with weight loss, but lets face it. I didn’t get fat just from my metabolism slowing down. All of us have stress hormones in us (neuropeptides) that cause some of us to overeat. Fenphedra uses the following to inhibit those neuropeptides:
Humulus Lupus (standardized to.4% flavonoids) – Humulus lupulus is unique because it is one of only two plants in the family Cannabinaceae. The alkaloid extract in Humulus Lupus known as Lupulinum produces a mild stimulant effect at first, followed by a very agreeable, calming sensation… the perfect combination. Historically, it has been used in some cases of nervous irritability where opium/narcotics failed. Some say that Humulus Lupus has some anti-inflammatory/pain relieving capabilites.
So far, after two days of taking Fenphedra twice a day (they recommend 2-3 pills a day…I take 2 because they also recommend not taking the 3rd pill within 7 hrs of going to bed) I feel great! I’ve taken other diet pills in the past and I always felt like I was on speed or extremely angry because I was hungry. None of that is true with Fenphedra. I take the first pill as soon as I wake up. The second pill I take about 30 minutes before I plan on eating lunch. So far I am really like Fenphedra.
In a few weeks I will write a follow up post about how Fenphedra is working, how much I’ve lost, any side effects, etc.
I love the biggest loser! I am also trying to lose weight! We can do it!! Good luck and cant wait to keep up with you!
Wow, that is quite a list of ingredients. Hmm, one of two plants in Cannabinaceae, that provide calming effect? Wonder what the other one could be???
I really hope it gives you the jumpstart you need. It's so true that excess weight really brings down the self-esteem!
Keep up the great work, I know you can do it…because when you put your mind to something you GET IT DONE! Love ya!
Keep up he great work, I know you can do it because when you put your mind to something you GET IT DONE! Love ya!