From the day we brought her home, I saw signs of her “specialness”. She once fell asleep with her head on her water dish…if her head dropped just a fraction of an inch…she would have drown…in her sleep…in her water dish.
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Like this super funny blog, my dog randomly licks things…obsessively. The couch, the kitchen floor, the garage door, the side of the toilet (though I have to give that one to her…I’m sure, living with a 6 year old who’s aim is questionable, she’s probably finding something…which opens a whole other issue…but hey, one thing at a time)…you name it, she licks it. Except for people. She rarely licks people. Unless it’s Bella’s face after dinner. But again, can’t really blame her for that one.
So anyway, back to my “special” dog and the funny blog post (which is really funny…except for the use of the word “retard”…I don’t like that much, but whatever)…I decided to do the IQ test on my dog to test her level of mental competence.
First I said a bunch of random words like door, couch, window, etc. She didn’t respond to a single one. Then I decided to give my dog a chance to earn a point and I said “bed”. Like the obedient dog she is, she got up and walked to her crate and stood in there looking at me like “I know it’s not bedtime, what’s up?”. Yay! My dog’s a genius!
OK. Maybe not a genius…so I moved on to the next test. I covered her up in a blanket. The point of this test was that she had to try and get herself out. I would love to say she did it. I mean how hard could it have been? I just draped it over her. She wriggled around so much that she threw herself to the ground and ended up wrapped up in the blanket, totally unable to get out. Big fat fail on that one.
The final test I KNEW she would pass. My dog LOVES food. I have to make sure I empty EVERY single plate or bowl when I put it in the sink or I will find her with her head in the sink eating it. So I took the top of an apple cinnamon mini muffin (I was out of milk bones) and showed it to her. Of course her tail started wagging like crazy and she started prancing and bouncing around like a maniac. Then I set the muffin on the floor and set a cup over it. Below is a video of what happened next (sorry it’s sideways…did this on my phone…not sure how to fix it):
Good thing she’s cute…cause she sure is dumb…and thank goodness we adopted her. There is no WAY she would be leading the blind anywhere!
You're sooo not alone – my husband has a boxer named Buster and my nickname for him is "Bustard" – he's so goofy and dumb but the kids and hubs love him. LOL OK I might a little too