Now I have to say…I think beauty pageants are crazy. You have this young, young girls (sometimes even babies) dressed up and made up to look like they are 20+ years old. But now, as if making them all made up like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman isn’t enough, the MOMS of the girls are giving the children Botox. Crazy. Absolutely crazy.
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One mom in particular, Kerry (mom of Britney Campbell) is under fire and defending herself on Good Morning America stating that her daughter WANTS the Botox…so that makes it right. Read the article and see the video here. Watch the video and then read the rest of this…I’m curious if you saw/heard the same things I did.
When Britney was asked why she gets Botox, her answer was “I don’t know”. The look on her mothers face was priceless! And it was then (after a few whispered words from her mother) that Britney finally remembered why. Wrinkles. She gets Botox because of wrinkles. What 8 year old has wrinkles? Come on. And then the mother goes on to tell us that Britney asked for it. Bull. That child had no clue what she was doing it for. That tells me she did NOT ask to have it done. Not to mention, the mom went on to justify giving her 8 year old Botox because other pageant moms are doing it. As if that makes it better. Moron.
So an 8 year old is getting Botox…what if I told you that this same 8 year was also getting “Virgin waxes”? My first reaction was, “what the heck is a virgin wax”? Kerry, Britney Campbells mom waxes the fluffy hair from her legs once a month and prevents the growth of pubic hair. Is your jaw open right now? Cause mine is. That mother is waxing her 8 year old daughters va-jay-jay so it DOESN’T grow pubic hair. I don’t know what I am more appalled at…the Botox or the coochie waxing.
Seriously people. Why? Why do this to your child? Let them have a freaking childhood. Pageants are creepy and the parents that put their children through it, and please do not insult my intelligence by telling me that your child would rather go through all of that than have a normal childhood, are even creepier.
I think that equates to child abuse. Seriously. What a C U Next Tuesday.