Did you know that there are a bunch of different words for underwear? Growing up I always called it underwear or undies. Some people called it panties…which always makes me giggle (what can I say, I have the sense of humor of a 13 year old boy). But if you were in Australia you may hear the term Reginalds and while to us that may seem like someones name it’s actually the slang term for undies!
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Ladies underwear has definitely come a long way. I mean, shoot…I was at the store shopping for a dress for a wedding I am going to this summer and a lady was going on and on about how her bra and undies had to coordinate with the outfit she was wearing. In her hand she had black pants and a top that was pink, black and white. She was insistent that she had to get a matching bra and underwear set that had black, white and pink in it.
Maybe it’s because I’ve been with my husband for 12 years (married for 9) that I really don’t care if my bra and undies match the outfit I’m wearing. Shoot…the bra and undies never match each other, let alone the clothing covering them up. Not to mention, I just went shopping to pick up underwear and bras the other day. I got a prepackaged bag of white, nudes, and brightly colored underwear. For bras I bought: black, nude, white, and hot pink. The hot pink was spur of the moment choice.
Guys don’t really care about the colors and patterns and matching, do they? I’ve never really asked mine what he prefers. Now I’m curious. Leave a comment (if you’re not too embarrassed to talk about your underwear) and let me know what you do…does everything match…do you buy the prepackaged bags like I do…or (GASP!) do you go commando?!?
You crack me up. After I got married I stopped caring and went for comfort. So I live in unmatching undergarments and more times than not I wear a sports bra because they are just too comfy. I got spoiled on them when I spent over a year breastfeeding my daughter.
I know it's crazy right. How sophosticated undwear can be now. LOL. Great post!
oooh i like this blog …
we call undies bra's and knickers ..
i like to have them matching if im out for the night but they dont have to match the outfit colour wise etc ..
for daily wear they dont usually match and are usually prepacked block colours ..
my husband on the other hand says they dont have to match so long as they are pretty ..and not what your 70 year old granny would wear lol
and sports bras are so comfy i usually wear them for work (physical job ) x
I HATE spending a lot of money on undies. Why are the so expensive? I don't worry about matching, I just go for what's comfortable and clean. I did finally force myself to buy some cuter skivvies though because I was starting to feel like an old hag 🙂
my underwear usually matches my shirt color, my bra is either white or pink thats all I have for bras 🙂
I usually call mine underwear, but when I had girls and were in underwear suddenlly they became undies, LOL! I never really had mine match, even when dating my husband. I love to buy my underwear al carte' not prepackaged it just seems more fun that way!
My dance teacher back in high school introduced me to thongs, and I have used them every since – through pregnancies and everything LOL I could not care less whether they match or not, but wearing something with fabric in the back drives me CRAZY! hahaha
I am lucky to have my shirt and pants match, I don't think I have even considered trying to match my underwear!
I do try to make sure I don't wear a black bra with a light colored top, though…..