OK so obviously you know that she really hasn’t gotten her period, but man does she act like a PMS’ing tween lately. Between the sass coming out of her mouth and the fighting with her brother, she is going to drive me to drink and turn gray–neither of which we want to have happen since I am Diabetic and alcohol is really not the greatest for me and I don’t really think I’d rock the salt ‘n’ pepper look. So anyway, back to my sassafras, PMS’ing 4 year old.
I’m just stepping out of the shower when I hear the annoying wail of my son. He came charging into the bathroom (note to self…get a lock on the door) to tell me that his sister hit him with a Wii Mario Kart steering wheel. Before I could even say the words “why did she hit you”, the wild eyed 4 year came crashing into my room, fists clenched at her side, screaming about how unfair her life is and how Zachary had the NERVE to hit start (accidentally mind you…he’s a little quick fingered when it comes to the Wii remote) and she was unable to choose Luigi as her person. So what does a normal human being do in a situation like that? I wouldn’t know because my crazy 4 year old decided to forego using her words and proceeded to smack her brother with the steering wheel.
I looked at Bella and I’ll admit, it took everything in me to keep my cool. You see, this child has been acting like this for quite awhile lately and no matter how much I take away, she still behaves like a little she-devil. I’ve even tried to have more one on one time with her, thinking maybe she was jealous and craving more time with me. Nothing.Works.
All I said to her was “Bella go to your room now”. She didn’t move so I started to count to three. What she said back to me when I paused at 2 literally had me about ready to drop kick her to her bedroom (please note I would never actually drop kick my child).
“Oh yea, what are you going to do if you get to 3?”
I think the look alone sent her sailing to her room. She slammed her door (twice, in case I didn’t hear the first time) all the while yelling that she just wanted Luigi and Zachary hit start too fast.
I literally have no clue what to do with this child and her mood swings. When I went to get her from her room, she looked at me, smiled and said “can I come out now mommy?”. I looked at her, said yes, but not until we talk. I again reiterated how we use our words and explained to her that had she just said “Zachary I didn’t get to pick Luigi” then none of this would have happened. And again, she smiled and said “I know mommy”.
I am SOOOOO going to be getting a bunch of phone calls about her next year in Kindergarten. I can see it now:
“Hi, Bella’s mom…yes this is the secretary at the school. You need to come in and meet with the principal. Bella is here in our office”
I think I’m in for a lot of the same behavior with my daughter. She stubborn, sassy, and defiant at only 2.5 – I can only imagine what 4 will hold.
There are some days where I literally don’t think I can handle it. She is too much some times.