For those of you that don’t know, the Novasure Procedure is an outpatient procedure that is done for women that are suffering from extremely heavy periods. I had the Novasure procedure done in August of 2008. It was a very easy procedure. I barely remember any of it. However, I will never forget the pain I was in a few hours after having the procedure…but thankfully, that pain only lasted about 1 day!
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For two years after having the Novasure procedure I had no periods whatsoever! It was awesome! A little weird at first. I mean I spent so much time worrying I was pregnant anytime I didn’t get a period before having the Novasure procedure. My joy at not having a period was relatively short lived. In February of 2010, I started getting my period again. Now it was, by no means, anywhere what it was before having the Novasure procedure. I get slight (very slight) menstrual cramps…and my period is more like 4-5 days of random spotting. Kind of annoying if you think about it. But a far cry from what I was dealing with before I had the Novasure procedure so I’ll take it!
These leakproof panties may be helpful for those light spotting days. Pick them up on Amazon!
Qikafan Women’s Menstrual Period Leakproof Panty (Mixed 5 Pack)
All in all, I would say the Novasure procedure was a HUGE success. I can happily live the rest of my life (well until menopause) with the random spotting periods instead of what I was dealing with! If you suffer from heavy menstrual cycles AND you are 100% finished having children, talk to your OB about the Novasure procedure.
If you are like me, you like to get through things with a little humor. I ran across this book while searching Amazon and it sounds hysterical! The Misadventures of Me and My Uterus <–BUY your own copy and see more about the book by visiting that link.
*This post may contain affiliate links*
If you’ve had the Novasure procedure or deal from heavy periods, I would love to hear from you! Leave me a comment and let us know how you’re doing!
Qikafan Women’s Menstrual Period Leakproof Panty (Mixed 5 Pack)Periodic Table of Your Period Chart by I Heart Guts
Fresh PMS Mints Tin Period Peppermints Gag Gift
The Period Book: A Girl’s Guide to Growing Up
Helloflo Period Starter Kit (One Kit, Skinfix/Acure Bundle)
Glad to hear this made such a difference for you. That's wonderful!
hi, i had the novasure procedure done on feb 20, 2014. i had absolutely NO pain after the procudure, no bleeding at all. it just felt like “something” happened, but nothing motrin didn’t fix. that lasted 2-3 days. The only complaint i really have /had, and it’s only been 5 days is gas and bloating , which i went to the pharmacy and bought extra strength Gas X and that worked great! overall im happy with the procedure! i can’t wait until im 100%. Also, i went to the gym today, did cardio and abs , including some planks and i was perfectly fine while at the gym and when i got home. i hope this helps anyone that is thinking about this procedure.
I would definitely talk to your doctor. I hope you are doing OK today.
I had the novasure procedure 14 years ago and today I woke up having a full blown period WITH CRAMPS. Does this mean the endometrial lining has returned? Does this mean I can get pregnant? Seriously dazed and confused
I would definitely talk to your doctor about that. I know when my doctor talked to me about mine, I was told that we had to use alternative form of birth control.
The Novasure was never a birth control. You can get pregnant after. Which is dangerous if you do.
I had uterus oblation, right ovary removed, DNC, adhesions removed and tubes tide three months ago after 4 kids. I’m 38. No period or cyste anymore. Pain in lower back and cramping. feel very moody with highs and lows since. Am a very active person but can’t seem to get going. Thoughts?
I’m sorry. I am not a doctor. You will need to contact your doctor with all concerns.
Just had the procedure done this morning, and so far, so good. I had some intense cramping in the recovery room, but it only lasted about 30 minutes. So far I have a tiny bit of bleeding, but aside from that I feel pretty good… and I haven’t even had to take any of the lovely percs they prescribed for me! I’ll be returning to work on Friday… meh.
You may have dark, almost black looking “stuff” come out. Don’t be alarmed…it’s normal. No one told me that I freaked and called the nurse!
Hope things stay good for you. I had one really bad day and after that it was ok.
I had the procedure almost 3 years ago and just started a period again. To say I’m disappointed at having it again is an understatement. Can you tell me if yours have been on a regular cycle or are they random? I’m just curious about what I’m in for again.
Mine have been pretty regular. All the pain and cramping I was enduring before, is happening again. It sucks 🙁 I wish this was a more perm. fix.
So I had Novasure done in 2014 ……. No period until I had my pap today 🙄 7 years and not even spotting . But now I’m spotting and cramps ugh . I’m praying this is just a temporary issue from my pap . I’m 46 years old and was really praying menopause would hit first!
I hope everything works out. Have you talked with your doctor?
I had the Novasure done 5 years ago.. No periods at all.. For the past few months I’ve been getting cramps BAD.. Now this morning they were so bad and I felt something not normal.. It was my Period.. I freaked out.. After I calmed down I called the Dr. who did the procedure and I go in tomorrow morning to find out why this is going on.. All in All it worked well for the 5 yrs.
I to had this procedure done about 4 or 5 years ago and my periods have now returned just as heavy as they were before. I am so frustrated at this point!!!
I hear ya. Mine have returned, every other month, but I get symptoms every month. But I am on Metformin and that is why mine are back.
Hi there new to any forums. Had procedure done Sept 2015 last period oct 2015. Now today Feb 11 2016 full blown period. I’m 49 btw. Tell me, I’m also on metformin type 2 diabetes ..blood sugar normal since on med..why would this cause period?
Hi Nicole…I would give your doctor a call and ask him/her those questions.
Hi I have an insulin resistance and I need to have ablation done but I’m afraid that the metformin will cause my periods to return sooner than the normal person has it been really bad for u
And how long after the Novasure and being on metformin did ur periods return
I don’t fully remember, off the top of my head, but a few years, I think.
Not bad at all! I don’t regret having this procedure at all.
I had the novasure procedure in December 2015. No period since then. I started metformin 2 days ago and started bleeding this morning. Can some explain this to me.
Hi Natalie, I would totally talk to your doctor about the bleeding. I know I was given a pamphlet that stated that periods could return.
I had the NovaSure ablation in 2011 before I had it I used to cramp for no apparent reason and then my period came back I have a normal period every month for 5 days but is very light and now I’m at the point where I’m not having regular periods so does this mean it may stop for good
I’m not a doctor so I can’t really answer that. I would definitely ask that at your next appointment too!
did you find out if that was the reason you started again? I have had mine done Dec 09. No period at all after the procedure. Then all of the sudden this morning I am spotting. I do not have insurance currently and wonder if its just my period starting back up. ugh !!
I would talk to your doctor. Maybe call the nurse and speak to her. Explain to her that you don’t have insurance and see if she can set your mind at ease.
Hello, I am 45 years old and had this procudre done in 2009. I had absolutely NO PAIN, I stopped having periods, the downside , I entered menapause that lasted about 5 years. About a year ago I have started to have spotting here and there, and a few days ago, had the WORST cramps I can ever remember having. If it continues I will make an appointment with the OB/GYN , but all in all, I feel the surgery was a HUGE sucess. I was severly anemic from the strong and never ending periods.
I am so glad that I read your post. Because I was flipping out this morning! But now I feel much better! It is a Sunday June 2012 (a Sunday when no doctors are open) I had Novasure done Oct 2009. Everything went fine. No problems, no periods! None! Matter of fact just last night I was telling my girlfriend who suffers every month how great it is and how she will be so happy once it is done. Then this morning, I woke up and had mild cramps and I was bleeding. But only when I went to the restroom. There was a clot and the paper was red! It was like day one 2 1/2 years ago. That is how mine always started. Every month for the last several months I have been getting ternderness in my breast and feeling moody. But just blew it off to “that time of the month”. Now I think it might be a pre warning that Mr. monthly was going to return. I just hope it is only one day and very lite! I am going to go to the doctor tomorrow just to make sure it is nothing. Good luck to all of you.
I will be thinking of you when you are at the doctors. I hope everything is ok…I’m sure it is! For me, I know mine came back because I am on Metformin for my Type 2 Diabetes and if I am not mistaken, the Metformin helps regulate things in that department. Lucky me! But even now, it’s pretty much every other month.
I had the novasure done roughly 3 years ago and for the last few months I have had BAD pain on the right side of my abdomen, where my right ovary is. Today is the worst, I am trying to figure out if its linked to the surgery. Possibly a cyst? It is a dull, sometimes Sharp pain. Any ideas??
I’m sorry to hear you are having pain. I always have pain on my left side when I ovulate…maybe it’s that? At any rate, if you are concerned, I would go see your doctor. I hope you feel better.
Oh no … this breaks my heart! I just found your blog while doing a mad search for “period again two years after Novasure?” I’m 44, and I had the procedure done in May, 2010, at the same time I had an oophorectomy for a cyst, and it’s been a glorious 2.5 years — no periods, no bloating, no cramps, no nothing! I’ve been kind of smirking while wondering how I’ll ever even know when menopause starts because there’s literally NOTHING each month. But, in just one day, it’s all back — bloating, cramps, and lots of blood. I’m ready to cry. I don’t remember reading that the Novasure was temporary?!? I’m making an appointment with my doctor next week to see what’s up. But I’m curious to hear if it’s back to the same miserable level as before for all of you? Is it regular?
I had the novasure done April 2011. No bleeding for over two years. Yesterday I had five sharpe pains in my side. I didn’t think much of it. Today I woke it and had a large blood clot. I feel like I did before the
procedure. I am still in shock. I’m hoping this stops but after reading these comments it looks like its just thebeginning again.
Hello Mrs Kanaan
I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one going through this. I had the procedure done in April of 2015.
I had mine done due to heaviness and irregularities. I would have 1 week of freedom, 3 weeks of misery. After the surgery, it was like I had a new life. I did outings with my kids (16&6), coached their games, family get togethers, and tried to start dating again. As of 3 wks ago, continuously, I am back to square one. There went dating. The cramps, backaches, the flow is just like before, and MAJOR mood swings. I’m calling my OBGYN Monday to see what’s up, but I am so glad to be able to tell him of my research due to your site. Thank you for sharing your story and allowing others to share theirs.
Please let us know how your appointment goes. (((HUGS))) to you.
I had the Novasure procedure around 6 years ago and never had any bleeding again…..until the other day. I am bleeding and cramping and have a call in to the doctor, but I think it is my period back! Ironically, I was just telling someone how wonderful the procedure was. I am 49.
I had the Nova-Sure done 6 yrs ago. It was the best thing I ever did in my life! No scheduling vacations around my period, no pre-planning how far away the next restroom was. I wore white pants and shorts with pride!! This AM, up getting ready for work and felt crampy, went to the bathroom and guess what? Yep my little friend (or enemy) was back! Im 54! I thought I’d sailed right thru menopause! My GYN left the area. Im going to find a new one and DEMAND another procedure as soon as possible.
I am 43 years old and had the novasure procedure on October of 2010, I had a period that lasted 57 days, it was huge clots, every day all day… I would put in a super plus tampon and after 10 minutes or so feel like I had to run to the bathroom, I kid u not… Clots big enough to push the tampon out… With force!!! Needless to say, I had it done and my period improved significantly.. Light with moderate pain, nothing like before, and the bleeding has been less and less… My question is , I’ve had a 4-5 day period consistAnt every month and I should’ve started on the 2nd but I didn’t … Has anyone had that happen?? I’m not feeling the PMS symtoms or anything…
I too was like Adrianna until i had the procedure done in August 2005. I was so happy to not have “Aunt Flo” anymore. About 6 months ago i started cramping bad every month but that was all. Last month i had started to spot lightly, the cramps were killer cramps. Can we get this procedure done again? I don’t want to relievethe past again.
I have NovaSure in September of 2008. I also have PCOS, so my periods have never been regular and I can go six months to a year without one.
Personally, the procedure only treated a symptom, not the cause. I had five doctors recommend hysterectomy, even my own doctor, but my insurance company decided they know what’s best for my health and refused to pay for anything other than NovaSure.
Now that I’ve racked up more medical bills than the hysterectomy would have cost in 2008, I still have problems with my uterus, ovaries and cervix.
It’s not for everyone and I would not have it done if I could go back and change things.
I had the procedure done in January 2011. I have very low platelets (30k) and had extremely heavy periods which prevented me from doing anything for about 5 days a month. I opted for the Novasure procedure as I am at risk for surgery such as a hysterectomy. I only had a few months before I went back to having a monthly period. I am not complaining about this, because what I have now (spotting or light bleeding) is much better than what I had.
I never had any cramping associated with my periods, but now I have back and abdominal cramping for about two days before I start (I expect the cramping is due to my uterus now having to work to shed what little lining is there). The pain can be very bad, so I just do what I can to get through it (ice packs and heating pad help) . I don’t regret the procedure at all, and would rather have a couple days of pain than 4-5 days of being locked indoors with a pad the size of a pillow tucked between my thighs. Even if I had known I’d experience this form of cramping, I would still opt for the procedure.
I feel for every woman experiencing painful side effects, and I hope you find relief from your pain and discomfort.
Thanks so much for this blog! It’s been so helpful and great to know I’m not alone! I had novasure July 2010. 3 yrs later I’ve started cramping and each month it’s a bit more intense. I fear the end of this bliss without a period. I hope I can make it 5 yrs like some of you! I would have the procedure again if possible. Has anyone found out is it possible? I have no regrets about the first time! I was bleeding all but 3 days a month and so heavy I couldn’t risk sitting down at work. I teach. It was exhausting. Novasure gave me my life back! Best of luck to you all. Keep posting.
My doctor told me it is NOT possible to have the procedure over again. You have it once and that is all you can do.
I had the Novasure procedure in October 2010 and didn’t have a period for three years. I thought I would never have one again. I panicked last week when I started a period again in November 2013. It has been seven days and the spotting that I am having is very dark brown/almost black in color. Not very heavy but everyday there is a small amount. Has anyone gone to the doctor about this and if so, what did your doctor say?
I had Novasure done in 2011 and had a repeat Novasure again in 2012. No periods since 2012. Today is a complete turn around. About 2 weeks ago I stated to get major bloating and a lot of water Renton and swelling in my legs, I’ve got major cramps in my pelvic area through my back and down my legs and my period came back a couple days ago and it came back raging. It’s very bright red in color and it drips from me when I use the bathroom. I’m just wondering if I should go to the ER or wait for my dr appt on the 18th… Gettin a little worried at this point!!
I’m in no way a doctor, but if you are worried, I would go in. My doctor told me that you can only have the Novasure done ONE time. I would be questioning why they did it on you twice.
Hope you get better.
I had the Novasure procedure done in 2005 combined with a DNC. Very successful!!! I would have a spotting of a period for 1 hour if that much every two years or so. I’m now 44 years young and This year I’ve had a spotting for maybe two days each month so far. I’ve also been under a lot of stress which can cause the spotting. I’ve had these three periods around the same time each month and mild cramps to accompany. I’m hoping this is stress related because I have surely enjoyed not having a period for the last 9 years. All in all, the Novasure was a Success
It has been 13 months since my novasure and I love the part of no period but for the last 3 months I have been spotting just a little bit. Im thinking my uterus is healing itself. I always had cramps around the time of my period every month but since it didn’t produce anything i was happy to deal with some pain w/o the period. I think Im going to go back to my Dr and see if he will do it again……
My doctor told me that the Novasure procedure can only be done once.
Good luck 🙂
I had the Novasure procedure on April 2013. I have had period every month and the cramps have gotten worst. My doctor has me on medicine and now telling me I need a hysterectomy. I am really frustrated because now I have to take medicine three times a day. Anyone else had this problem.
Oh man 🙁 I’m sorry you’re going through that. I have notice that my cramping is getting worse and worse.
Finally, someone to talk to about this mess. I have always had bad periods. Started at age 11. I’m 38 now. Had Novasure May 2012. The periods prior to the Novasure went from 1 to 7 days basically increasing over time in length of days and volume. Once sexually active the cramps got worse and the number of days increased. I had cramping pain once the bleeding started but got fatigued a week before with headaches, stomach bloating, upset stomach, acne and depression. Used super plus tampons hourly and two super pads as backup. The first day had mild bleeding but painful. The 2nd and 3rd days were from the devil. The final days were a breeze, spotty bleeding here or there. Novasure was great…I wasn’t lucky like some. I still had a period but it was super lite. Used the lite tampons and panty liners. Yes! Still had all other terrible symptoms. But wasnt anemic anymore…since the bleeding was reduced significantly. Took zoloft to help with mood…developed fibromyaglia that gets worse around my period. Sometimes I’m down 3 weeks per month. After ovulation. ..I get a symptom free week then 3 weeks of pain. After about 1 year the period started to gradually get heavier so at times I would use a regular size tampon and a pad…now 2 years after the Novasure. period is lite but heavy lite with small clots…but now bleeding is down to 3 days only. Fibromyaglia is still worse and my period schedule contributes.
All of these comments are making me nervous. I had a novasure on April 11,2012. After having periods last anywhere from 5 wks to 3 mnths at a time for over a yr. The procedure started out a blessing but for the past year I’m noticing every so often spotting only when using the restroom. I’m also experiencing some cramping. Now after having a history of cysts and uterine cancer runs in my family I’m beginning to get nervous. And since again today the spotting and cramping has started I’m actually excited that I already have an appointment lined up for my yearly pap. I can say I do not want to go back to what I was dealing w/especially since I get horrible migraines w/periods as well. I was hoping to have had a hysterectomy back when I had my novasurw but my doctor assured me that this was the best option for me. Is that still true, hmmm? Praying for relief so that I do not need to worry about surprise periods and the expense of buying feminine products all over again 🙁
Sincerely sad….
I had the novasure done in 2008 when I was 25 my periods were horrible bleeding 3 out 4 weeks every month since I had my tube tied 1 yr prior to the surgery I am very happy I had the surgery but have been cramping bad the last week breasts sore off and on for about a yr maybe and very moody but no period yet will I end up getting a period again I’m actually cramping now and wasn’t sure why
Hi there! I would advise that you speak with your doctor. I really don’t know what could be going on, as I am not a doctor! Good luck to you!
I had the procedure done in September of 2009. The first four years gave me back so much of my life I was ecstatic about having the procedure done. Year four things began to change a bit as I began having serious cramps – like early labor contraction type cramps, but honed in on mostly my right side.. The first time it happened I ended up in teh emergency room because I was certain that my kidney or appendix was about to rupture (the pain was that intense). A ct scan didnt show much, the ER doctor sent me on my way with some pain meds.
I’m in search of a new gyn doctor because I went to the doc who performed my Novasure and whenI told him of the pain I’d experienced, he sort of brushed it off, said my uterus lining was growing back. Then he told me that he no longer is a member of the health plan Im enrolled in, so now i cant even afford to visit him to make him fix whatever is going on.
Needless to say the pain hasnt dissipated from month to month, I’m just able to cope with it now becuase I guesss I’m getting used to it. I’m right back in teh same boat that caused me to get the frickin surgery. smh
I had the procedure 3 years ago and started having cycles again, if I known this I would of never had it done in the first place. At the time my cycles were heavy due to my thyroids were messed up, this is what was causing my heavy cycles. You would think the doctor would of known this but most of the time they check you and the thyroids come out normal in blood work. So I decided to have novsure, which the doctor did not tell me my cycles would come back. I have them for 7 to 10 days again and very heavy were it takes every thing out of me. Plus I have gained so much weight thinking it was because of the tyroids no it was from the novsure procedure. 3 years I fault my weight and gained over 80 lbs. I am going through depression with all of this and the doctors look at me like I am stupid.
I’m not a doctor, so I don’t really understand how having this procedure would cause you to gain weight. However, I hope you get answers and am so sorry to hear about the depression 🙁
I had the procedure done in July of 2013. The reason I had it was because, I had a period that lasted for six months. I would go through a pad about every 30 minutes and at night I would wear a depend so I would make a mess at night. I couldn’t go anywhere because I would bleed through or afraid I would before I could make it to the restroom.
After the procedure, no pain and stopped until about three months ago. My periods are lite, little cramping, and no clots. It just last 2-3 days. I have gained weight(75lb.) and I take meds. for low iron and my thyroid. I am going to talk with my doctor about all this and see what he thinks is going on.
I can relate to your post 100% I had Novasure in the fall of 2014 it’s been exactly 2 years for me . I just had a pap that came back abnormal, along with horrible cramping and breast soreness . I find it funny that my gyno wanted to lecture me about putting 19 lbs on and NEVER said it could be from Novasure . My general physician mentioned my lining may be growing back yesterday or I may have post ablation syndrome . I was informed it may grow back but not this fast! My gyno was pretty sure I would hit menopause before that. Btw I am 41 , I am praying I do not start bleeding again and these horrible cramps lessen .
It’s been eight years since my Novasure. There were months I’d bleed for three weeks at a time. I had ten days with heavy flow. After D&C and ablation I only had to use a panty liner for two days out of the month. I had much easier time with cramping also. I was very happy with this result as I felt I got my life back. The light cycles lasted for five years. Every year after that my cycles would get lighter and lighter until I no longer had them at seven years. My hormones were tested and I’m not menopausal or have thyroid issues. I always hear of women’s cycles starting again but for some reason mine have stopped. The doctors have tested for many things and can’t tell me why.
This is my experience with Novasure, and its a long story….I wish I had gotten more than one year out of Novasure. I had it done in mid Dec 2013(right before Christmas) because of very heavy bleeding each month, I developed a bacterial infection 3 days after the procedure (the center where I had it done brushed me off telling me I must have the flu or stomach virus and of course they were closed 2 days for the holiday) Finally, got a diagnosis a week later, that I did indeed have a bacterial infection, after that was cleared up in mid January 2014, I felt great. I had the best summer of my life, spent the whole summer at the beach or in the pool without having to worry about Aunt Flo at all. Then in April 2015, I woke up in the middle of the night with the most horrible pain in my lower mid to right side. Nothing would relieve it. It finally eased after 3 or 4 hours. I called my primary dr the next morning and went right in to see her, both of us thinking I may have appendicitis. She sent me for a CT scan, that showed I had some gallstones, but pain was too low for gallbladder problems. Blood work showed white blood cell count was just slightly elevated. She sent me home and told me to rest the next day, and return to her office for a follow up on Friday. Went back to her for follow-up, still having pain. She sent me for a pelvic ultrasound. They checked all my internal organs, Still nothing remarkable. No ovarian cysts, bladder ok, kidneys ok. Blood work came back ok, white blood cell count back to normal. Dr basically threw her hands in the air because she couldn’t figure it out. She did make an apt to a GI specialist for me to address my gallstones(wont see him until mid June). I called my GYN a few weeks later because the pain was just getting worse and more frequent. Went to see him. I started reading about women having similar problems after having the ablation procedure done and was going to throw that out there for him to look into it(He doesn’t do Novasure procedures, I went somewhere else to have it done)
He believed it was bladder related and suggested I see a Urologist. Gave a me an antibiotic and sent me home. Took the antibiotic for a few days, but the pain just got unbearable. Primary Dr prescribed Vicodin. I do not like to take meds like that, but I had to because the pain was debilitating. I called my GYN on Thursday May 7th, almost a month after this all began, in so much pain his nurse told me to go to the ER. So off to the ER I go, spent almost 4hrs in the waiting room, another 2 on a bed in the hallway, then finally moved to a room. Had same tests done over, CT scan, ultrasound, & Blood work. ER Dr came in and told me all he could find was a possible uterine polyp. So after 9.5 hours at the ER, I’m sent home. Just keep taking the vicodin, he says, and follow up with your dr. I call my GYN the next day which is a Friday, and talk to his nurse. She knows me, knows I am not a complainer, and doubts the DX of a uterine polyp causing me so much pain. Schedules me to come in on Monday. I tell her to get my results from the ER so GYN can look over. Ended up back at the ER of our local hospital on Mothers day because of pain and got a shot of Fentanyl to help with the pain. Went to GYN on Monday May 11th. He’s still convinced that is bladder or urinary tract related. His nurse kept pushing him to look closer at the ultrasound of my Uterus. She said I was showing signs of uterine cervix stenosis(and considering I had had 4 children this wouldn’t have been present prior) They scheduled an emergency D&C the next day(Tues May 12th)
The findings from the D&C were that my cervix was sealed shut do to scar tissue from the ablation, there was a buildup of fluid and blood in my uterus. He also found something white in spotty areas on my uterine walls. He thinks he removed most of it. Sent it off to be analyzed and it came back that it was a synthetic material that had adhered to the tissue. GYN’s exact words were, I don’t know what they did or used on you but this is what I found……..
Now I am two weeks post D&C and the pain is gone and spotting has stopped.
I have been having some cramping for the last two days but no bleeding or spotting yet. I am not sure what is going to happen now….Just have to wait and see. I wish now I had a partial hysterectomy instead of Novasure.
I have been reading more and more about women suffering from this same problem and it is actually being called Post Ablation Syndrome.
Thanks for letting me share my experience.
I’m sorry you went through all that. It sounds horrible 🙁
Thanks. It was horrible. I am just glad I stayed persistent in trying to find the cause and basically DX myself, and that the nurse was really listening to my complaints. I don’t know if the D&C is only a temporary fix or not. I have read that most women end up having to get a hysterectomy.
I had the procedure done a year ago. My bleeding lessened but my pms worsened. I still have cramps, as well. I have had a period every month since the procedure until this month. I had cramping for a week and then it stopped. Could the procedure finally have eliminated my periods? I don’t think I’m pregnant considering that it took my husband and me 8 years to conceive 2 children.
I’m not a doctor so there is no way to know, but I’d definitely talk to one if you are concerned. Especially if you think you may be pregnant.
I’m so thankful I found this information. I had the novasure in October 2010 and the heavens opened up and birds started singing. I thought it was the best thing known to women……and then I went to the bathroom tonight(6-9-15) and God forbids….Blood! I was like “What the heck is this”? I’m so disappointed…..I just knew my arch enemy was gone forever….Well now I know……Novasure is not a permanent fix. This site is so helpful to some of us clueless women….Thank you so much……
I also had the Novasure procedure. I had it done on May 15-15 and am happy to say that so far, so good. I suffered years of horrendous cramps, irregular bleeding and huge blood clots. I have not had a period since 2 months before the procedure and I hope I never do! I had tons of late periods previously, and other times,no bleeding but excruciating cramps. I would consider it, if you’re suffering like I was!
After heavy periods resulted in severe anemia I was prescribed iron pills (which give teeth a slightly grayish tint, ewww!) And given the choice to have novasure or take pills to ease the bleeding… I chose the pills but after 6 months grew tired of the side effects from pills; headaches, dizziness, fatigue and signed up for my uterine ablation in December 2014. No one told me to expect extreme cramps accompanied by hours of vomiting?! But I survived & felt fine the next day. Every month I could still tell when I was ovulating as well as when I felt those 2-3 days of PMS, but no bleeding until the sixth month. That’s when I had my first “period”… light spotting of pinkish-brown that lasted 4-5 days… so light I didn’t even need a tampon or pantyliner…NICE! I got my second period 28 days later & it was the same… I am hopeful this is how the remainder of my cycles will be thru Menopause. I am 49 years old….I mean, young
I had novasure done in Dec 2012 at 46. It was that or hysterectomy, doc was hoping to buy some time, maybe hit menopause. I was always a heavy bleeder, started at 10, but the last 2 years before the ablation were utter hell. Doc thinks perimenopause was kicking in and causing the really extreme bleeds. Well the first year of novasure was spotty, I would have a couple months of nothing, then some cramps and spotting then nothing. The last year and a half was pretty much nothing, just some mild cramps once and a while.
But yesterday I got the usual symptoms of bloating, mild lower back ache, pms issues, and cramps..and this morning it looks like I had a little blood start to come out. I surely hope not, I am going to be 49 and no end in sight if this comes back. I know a lot of women say they have heavy bleeding, but mine literally almost killed me. They had to transfuse me, then I had to take iron infusions for a year from the blood loss. I was so hoping novasure would work, esp since I was in my 40’s when I had it done. I am holding out hope if they come back it wont be heavy, but I know my luck. I was always estrogen dominant that makes for very heavy periods. I would tell anyone getting this procedure to research, and not just the manufacturers site or the doctors opinion. Go further because I found out a lot after the fact, that had I known I may have went with the hyst instead. There is a high level of hysterectomies performed in women who had ablations, 44% in women under 40, 22% in women 42 to 46. It drops a bit after that but its still a risk. Looking back I could have cut out the middle man and just got the hyst lol.
Diana, is the high level of hysterectomy post-ablation because ablation doesn’t last and periods return?
I finally got a Dr to listen to me when I said things are not right. Had a Vag ultrasound and discovered: extra thick endometrial wall, polyp in my uterus, small cysts on left ovary (had a monster one removed almost 20 years ago from the right), and fibroid on the rt side of my uterus. I have been giving 3 options, Mirena, Novasure, and partial hysterectomy.
I’m put off by the hormones in Mirena. Seriously considering Novasure over hysterectomy for recovery time. I have a physical job so I have to take extra time off.
I’m reading lots of stuff here that it seems not as permanent as I thought, wonder if these are the rule or the exception???
Also read a lot on another forum about weight gain after NS. Anyone here experience that?
She gave me some pain pills to deal with cramps for now. The bleeding is something I already know how to deal with just sick of doing so. I am putting off till we slow down in 5 months. At that time I could do either NS or hysterectomy. So for now research research research.
I’m 38 and never wanted kids, been asking for hysterectomy since I was 25.
Why can’t it all just go away. Wonder if my dog knows how lucky she was to get spayed…
Novasure Date Performed 2011
Unlisted hysteroscopy procedure, uterus Date Performed 2011
colposcopy Date Performed 2009
LEEP Date Performed 2009
Unlisted hysteroscopy procedure, uterus Date Performed 2009
Went to ER in December 2014 with BAD I call them HELL CRAMPS, Note: I gave birth to both of my sons without any PAIN MEDICATIONS, yeah I know. anyway the Ultrasound Findings:
There is an oval structure with tubular echogenicity seen in the right adnexa, not sure if it’s the ovary.
The left ovary is normal in appearance, contour and echotexture with
dominant follicles. It measures 3.2 cm x 1.7 cm x 1.9 cm with a volume
of 5.6 ml.
There is a focal heterogenous mass in the posterior myometrium . It
measures about 1.4 cm x 1.1 cm. The uterus measures about 6.7 cm x 3.1
cm x 4.2 cm. The endometrium is not well identified due to ablation.
Varicose veins seen in the left adnexa. No free fluid in the pelvis.
1. Leiomyoma.
2. Right ovary is not well identified.
3. Normal left ovary.
4. Varicose veins in left adnexa.
Likely with post ablation syndrome manifested by cyclic uterine cramping, abdominal
pain with apparent lakes of fluid accumulation on ultrasound..
LAKES OF FLUID.. This is what I’ve dealt with, so To you WOMAN I give you praise if the NOVASURE has helped, but as the lord is my witness IT HAS caused me/ my poor husband a miserable road of PAIN and suffering. I am now without health insurance due to my oldest son being in a auto accident 22 months ago and has a Brain Injury so he’s my main focus, however, today is the 2nd time in 4 years that I awoke with actually BLEEDING, more of brown discharge, but I knew something was happening, I always get the PMS, or I suppose Ovulation pains, because I asked my husband this morning before he left for work, I said Didn’t I just have major pain 2 weeks ago, and he said OH LORD YES.. I am just letting others know as well that it doesn’t always WORK.. Like I said good for you if it did work, but I REGRET the day the doctor talked me into the NOVASURE procedure.. BELIEVE ME, I’d rather have labor again, because when these HELL CRAMPS hit there is nothing in the outcome, at least with BIRTHING you have a beautiful gift to hold and make everything all worth it… Anyway, bless you all.. And have a great day.. 🙂
I had the Novasure procedure and I hemorrhaged. Many other women have suffered as well. There are many facebook support groups like NovaSure did me wrong! and you can join. Many women who have said that their procedure was a success have changed their opinion. Sometimes after 6 months, 1 year or even 2 or 3 women are suffering and have to have a hysterectomy for relief. This is not necessarily a safe procedure. And women with metal implants like Essure should not have this procedure per Hologic manufacturer of Novasure machine although many doctors perform it anyway.
Agreed, it’s unbelievable the amount a PAIN this has caused.. Thanks for the tip about the support groups I will look into them… 🙂
I had novasure done Jan. 2015. And I’ve had no period since. This past week I started feeling breast tenderness, some light cramping, I’ve read all your posts and thought my period would return sooner than it has. Lightly, and less days. I knew this was a temporary fix. I asked a lot of questions and also had a tubal in 2000 after my third child. I got clips so I could reverse it, and now I know my uterus will heal. I will be 40 in d December. I was glad I found this forum. Thanks ladies. Ashley
I had the Novasure procedure done July 2013. Ever since then I had light spotting regularly every month. Now, I have not had anything in over 2 months. It is kind of strange. has anyone had the same thing?
I’d ask your doctor if you are concerned!
From my own experience, I spot every so often (around the time I would have normally gotten my period), but I can probably count on one hand how many months in a row I’ve spotted over the course of the past 8 months.
I had the Novasure procedure six weeks ago. As a triathlete, I am acutely aware of my body. My periods were causing me to miss outings because they were so heavy. I opted for Novasure based on several friends having positive outcomes. Six weeks into my recovery now, no period but I am retaining water in my legs and abdomen like crazy. Is this part of the healing process? Does this go away? Is this going to be my new life? I feel like I’m carrying around an extra gallon of water. Thank you in advance for any help that anyone can provide. I’m really questioning my thoughts.
I don’t know that I’ve experienced that…I’d probably call your doctor to discuss that with them. Good luck.
Wanted for follow up. I met with the doctor today and found out water retention is part of the healing process. The doctor expects it to subside and for me to recover in the next few months. I, like everyone else, was just eager to return to normal overnight. Healing will take time.
Oh good! I’m glad you got an answer! I don’t remember that happening, but it was awhile ago now that I had it done.
Ive had the novasure did in 2012 no cycle for a year and started back every month since now im 15 days late stomach is getting bigger and sharp pain in the right side of my lower stomach have anyone been pregnant im scared I took a hpt but was negative do I need 2 get a blood test done please help
I would talk with your doctor. Good luck. Please let us know how you are doing.
I had the Novasure in 2012. It completely stopped the bleeding, yahoo. But I have been having fake periods… I have mild to heavy cramping with THICK clear (some times milky)discharge. I haven’t seen any postings about this and I am curious if anyone else has experienced this. My doctor dod ultrasound last year when pain in left side was bad, but it checked out. I also did research on prostaglandins and it could be that, but still confused. What do you think?
I had mine in 2014 , I have not started bleeding or spotting yet . But I am having severe cramping and my breast are so sore . I also get the white watery substance , sometimes pretty thick . I have gained 19 lbs in a year . Reason for Novasure was I have iron b12 anemia that I get IV infusion for . Recently my CBC tests have been coming back with my EOS and BASO counts crazy high .
I had the novasure done in feb 2016 and its now April 2016 got a period after all that time only 2days long and just spotting with mild cramps. I am relieved due to the fact im 31 and have always had issues with my period since I was 9 years old. I had heavy bleeding I couldnt get out of bed and blood would run down my legs pouring out. After having my second child at 29 I was diagnosed with thyroid disease the bleeding got worse. I had 4 dnc and nothing helped the thick lining I had. My doctor recommended the novasure glad he did.
I had my done so long ago that I’m not quite sure when. I think it was 2009. This a.m. I had a little clot and some bleeding. Was hoping to sail right through to menopause but wondering if I am starting up again. Thanks for your blog. I forgot this might be a possibility.
Every once and awhile I have spotting now. It’s not consistent. Definitely better than what it was!!
I had the novasure done two years ago I have had some spotting but now I think I may be pregnant should I worry?
I’m sorry. I’m not a doctor. I would definitely call yours though.
I had this done in 2009. I had heavy bleeding and was changung my feminine products (yes 2. Tampons and pads) every hour. It was awesome for several years but now i have such horrible cramping i have been to the ER twice and my doctors office a couple times. Im taking pain killers Tordol and tylenol for the pain. It use to only happen during my cycle, but now it is always there. Im in the process, with my OB/GYN, to see if i need just a d&c, hormone treatments, or a partial hysterectomy. Post Ablation Syndrome is a risk for some women. I guess i dont really regret having it done, but just wish i knew this was a possibility.
I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.
Just had this done. Apparently there are diet issues with heavy periods. I’m going to look at that in case
I just had my procedure today 4/20/18. I felt absolutely no pain in recovery. I’m now home recovering and I’m passing blood clots that fit in the palm of my hand every hour. I’ve been bleeding like a regular period. I called the on call Dr. who said take 600 mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours. Im starting to worry. I don’t think this is normal. Has anyone else had this issue?
Hopefully you got a response from your doctor and you are doing well now.
I had the procedure done December 2008 and I’m still period free. I’m 36 now and from time to time, my boobs and lower back hurts and sometimes my face breaks out. Other than that I love it. I notice when my daughter gets her period I sometimes have the symptoms. I hope this helps a little.
Just had the procedure done yesterday! I have minimal pain.