My husband and I have been together since 1999. That’s a long time. In May we will have our 10 year wedding anniversary. For the longest time I’ve been planning the ultimate vacation for the two of us…something we haven’t done since having kids. We…well I…want to go to Vegas. I want to renew my vows. But I want to do it Vegas style. I want to get married by Elvis…I want to get to say the words:
“I Leah take you Dan…”
That’s something I didn’t get to say the first time around. When you get married in an Eastern Orthodox church, your vows aren’t done that way. So since we made it past the 7 year itch and are approaching the 10 year mark, I want to renew those vows and I want to get say those words. That is important to me. But it has to be in front of Elvis. You can’t renew your vows in Vegas without Elvis present. That would be like having a banana split without the banana. It’s unheard of.
I’m not sure the Vegas trip will happen on our 10th anniversary, due to circumstances out of our control, but by gosh we will get to Vegas. We will renew our vows. And it will be done by Elvis.
Thinking about our vow renewal and Vegas got me thinking about romance in general. Now I love my husband…everything about him, our life…well maybe not our life at the moment, but that has absolutely NOTHING to do about him or him and I as a couple…our personal life, though I’m sure he would say it needs to happen a little more often. But you want to know what I say? Where’s the fancy elevator music that is always playing when Rafe and Sami or Bo and Hope are about to get it on? Where’s the flower petals leading up to the bedroom and sprinkled into the shape of a heart on our bed? Where’s the boat to sail around the world in? You know like the “Fancy Face” from Days of Our Lives…only Dan calls me “Poopy” which is probably not the best name for a boat, unless it’s a brown tug boat. But still. How romantic would that be?
So what am I saying exactly? I’m saying I want more romance. Bake me a cake in the shape of a heart (making sure to use Splenda to make it slightly more diabetic friendly), arrange for the kids to be at one of the grandparents for the night. Put silk sheets on the bed…well maybe not silk sheets…I remember when we had a pair of silk sheets and one of us fell off the bed because it was too slippery…though there was also alcohol involved, so who knows what the real issue was there (it was pretty funny though!). Oh and find that fancy elevator music. Flower petals would be a nice touch too! If you must use candles, please make them the flame free ones…we don’t need to recreate the Van Wilder scene (I wish I could add the You Tube video here, but there’s nudity and well…that wouldn’t be appropriate now would it?)!
(Dan, if you’re reading this, which you should be since I signed you up to receive my RSS feed…the kids will be at your parents house Wednesday for the night…hint hint)
I hope you get to Vegas and renew your vows that would be wonderful. I have been trying to get there for the last 2-3 years. And as far as the romance, we could all use some ;).