Before I get started on this review…I have to say, I almost didn’t accept it. Moon Dough was one of those things that I refused to buy for my kids. My son had gotten it for a present when he was four and I vowed it would never come into my house again. It crumbled everywhere, stained the carpet…was a real mess. However, when I read the pitch for this review, I noticed the words “all new formula” and I decided to give it a second chance.
I am happy to report that it truly is an “all new formula”! The first thing I noticed…it didn’t crumble hardly at all. It did a bit, but you expect that with things like this…or at least I do. Now I can’t tell you if it stains carpet because I wasn’t about to go and grind it into my carpet to find out…my advice, do it at the kitchen table where it’s super easy to clean it up (probably where I should have done it several years ago)!!
Moon Dough is recommended for ages 3 and up. My favorite thing about it is that it doesn’t dry up! Which makes it PERFECT for kids, especially mine, who play with it and then leave it sitting on the table. The last time they played with the Moon Dough, it sat on the table for about 2 hours before I got around to cleaning it up and it felt like I just got it out of the package! The other great thing about the new formula is that it is much better for molding! I received the Moon Dough Push N’ Pop Breakfast and I was amazed at how well it molded into the different breakfast foods (my kids did too…when I let them play with it)!
You can find this at Toys “R” Us, Target, Walmart, Kmart,, A.C. Moore, Michaels, and eToys in the following varieties:
- Moon Dough Push ‘N’ Pop Ocean Pals
- Moon Dough Push ‘N’ Pop Breakfast
- Moon Dough Snack Shop

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