When I got the email asking me if I wanted to try out a product called Ancient Elixir Setting Spray, I was a tad skeptical. You see, this product claims that once you put your make-up on, simply spray it on your face and you are left with an airbrushed look and you can do virtually anything without the make-up smudging, smearing or running off…even go swimming. See why I was skeptical?
So I decided to try it before I started cleaning. I normally get all hot and sweaty when I’m cleaning, similar to working out, so it would be a good test to see what I looked like afterwards. The first thing I noticed when I sprayed it on my face was that my make-up looked ten times better! It really did! My face had this smoothness about it and it really did seem to set the make-up. When I was finished cleaning, not only did my face look the same as it did when I started, but it wasn’t oily at all. Which is normally how my face looks a few hours after I’ve put make-up on.
The second time I used the spray, I just went about my day as normal and by the end of the day I still looked the same as I looked in the morning. My eye shadow was still on…normally that’s the first thing to wear off my face.
My last test for the Ancient Elixir Spray was to see what happens after I went swimming. Since I don’t have a pool or access to one, we decided to try this out in my kitchen using the sink sprayer. The force of the sprayer would be no different than if I was going down a water slide, jumping into a pool or swimming laps. I am so beyond awesome, I video taped the whole thing for you to witness:
Now once you’re done laughing your butt off, you’ll see that the Ancient Elixir Spray did, for the most part, keep my make-up in tact. The problem came when I blotted my face dry (which is what anyone would do that’s been swimming)…it was at that point that my eye make-up smeared. However, it’s been several hours and my face make-up and eye shadow are still there.
So all in all, I would say that the Ancient Elixir Spray does do what it says it would do…providing you don’t blot your face dry. But then again, does anyone really expect for their make-up to still be on after they’ve been swimming? Would you want it to be? I mean, once you’ve been in the water…with chlorine…you’re going to want to take a shower. No one wants to stink like a pool? Same with working out. Sure you can look good while you’ve been working out, but does it really matter if you’re make-up is still there once you’re finished? Just like with swimming, you’re going to HAVE to take a shower after working out, unless you want to go out after stinking like B.O.
So what exactly is the spray made of? Just distilled water, silver and copper. Have you tried it before? I’d love to hear your experience! Leave me a comment!
Disclaimer: I was given the Ancient Elixir Spray for the purposes of this review. All opinions are mine.
Leah, that video was awesome! I’m sorry to laugh at you, but the look on your face was priceless! That stuff sounds pretty awesome, though. I hate when my eye makeup is gone by 9am. Super annoying.
Very funny! I didn’t know such a product existed. I typically go to work looking one way and come home looking like a truck ran me over. I am going to definitely give this a try!
I don’t wear makeup but if I did, I would probably get some of that stuff so I wouldn’t have to keep redoing it all day. And girlie, what a funny test video! you rock!
awesome video Leah!
haha i love it!:) this stuff sounds pretty cool
too funny. My makeup wears off too, might have to look into this.
You goofball! That’s was funny! Made me smile!