One of the things I really hate is hiccups. I don’t get them very often, but my daughter and husband do. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I swear it seemed like she had the hiccups ALL THE TIME! So I guess it’s only natural she would have them all the time now! When she gets the hiccups, she is always coming up to me and saying “Mama…scare me”. So I scare the child who is expecting to be scared and of course, it doesn’t work. After scaring her I tell her to hold her breath until I tell her to breathe again…but she’s five…that doesn’t work all that well either.
My favorite hiccup remedy (that doesn’t work) is saying “cow nipples” three times. When I was in high school a friend of mine told me that was the end all be all for curing hiccups. All it does is make you laugh and then think about cow nipples.
If you’re like my husband and daughter who suffer from hiccups all the time, you might be interested in hearing about a new product out there that is said to truly get rid of hiccups. This product is Hicural and it is made from a polypropylene compound that stops hiccups before you can say “cow nipples”!
Simply put the clear tube into your mouth, bite down slightly and drink water. It really is that easy! Check out what other people are saying about Hicural right her on their testimonial page!
One lucky reader will have the opportunity to win Hicural right here on Diaries of a Domestic Goddess!!
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Mandatory Entry: What is your go to hiccup relief tip?
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I always try scaring my son when he has the hiccups to scare them out of him, but it never works!
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My daughter gets the hiccups all the time. We make her drink warm water, YUCK!
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