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How many of you use the Swiffer WetJet as part of your cleaning regime in your home? I do! But one of things I hate doing is having to purchase the refills once I’ve used it all up. They aren’t cheap. I already use microfiber clothes that I can wash and use over and over again. And while I’ve tried other mops similar to the Swiffer that allows you to use a refillable bottle, none work as good as the Swiffer.
A friend of mine told me that she heard that you could “hack into” your Swiffer WetJet refill bottle by dipping the lid into boiling hot water. I have been waiting and waiting to use up my refill so I could give this a try. What did I have to lose? Either it works and I can refill the bottle with my own cleaner or it doesn’t and I have to throw it away.
So let’s see if it worked:
First you want to set a pot of water on the stove and let it boil. Once it’s boiling, place the Swiffer WetJet refill with the cap down, into the boiling water for 15 seconds.
After 15 seconds, remove and dry the lid. You can try to turn it at this point, but you’re going to need to stick the lid in the boiling water 2-3 more times for 15 seconds each.
Now that you have the lid off, you can refill with your favorite cleaner! I chose to use Fabuloso (which smells like lavender) and a little bit of water.
I was so excited when this worked! No more wasting money on Swiffer WetJet refills! I can now refill my own Swiffer refill container for a major savings! Fabuloso costs anywhere around $3.00 at Walmart (though I just saw a HUGE container at Sam’s Club for about $5 or $6). So what are you waiting for? Use up your current refill and then give this a try!
Leave me a comment and tell me what you would fill your refill with!
Hey, thanks! It worked like a charm!
Which microfiber pads do you use for your swiffer? Did you find them in stores or on amazon?
Monica, these are the pads I prefer: http://amzn.to/2o337f1 (aff link). They are machine washable (hang dry) and work really well!
I have a swiffer mop and I recently watched a video where a woman put her bottle in a bowl of hot water she claimed to remove the lid. I tried doing this same technique using her exact method but I was never able to remove the lid from my bottle despite multiple attempts. Is this actually practical? Thanks
I’ve done it a few times. But I no longer use a Swiffer WetJet on my new floors so I have not done this in some time.