This past memorial weekend, my husband and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary!
I had all these grand plans of what we were going to do for our anniversary. It didn’t work out that way, but what we did do was a lot of fun. But besides the fun, it was much needed alone time for the two of us. I had so much fun that I have decided that a few times a year the two of us need to send the kids to one of the grandparents and spend the weekend together…whether we go away or have a staycation, it doesn’t matter. The point is just to spend the time together.
So what did we do?
We went to Indiana. I know. Doesn’t sound all that exciting. I told someone where we were going and they laughed at me. Like laughed. In my face. But that’s OK. Like I said…we had a wonderful time. Our first day there we relaxed and went to dinner at Olive Garden (one of my most favorite places EVER…love that salad dressing!). After that we just laid in bed and watched t.v. On day two we went to the Michigan City outlets. If you’ve never been there, GO! Great stores (like the Coach Outlet!!) and awesome sales! That evening we went to Blue Chip casino. We took $50 with us to gamble with and made more than double that back! On Day three we went to the beach and walked along Lake Michigan. While it was 103 outside, the water was like walking through an ice bucket. It was FREEZING!
While it doesn’t seem like we really did anything exciting, I had a great time. Mostly because it was nice to just be Dan and Leah for the weekend.
Happy Anniversary! Sounds like the perfect weekend getaway to me! 🙂